Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

a nursery, okay :ok_hand: thats, actually funny :laughing:

this game is gonna be fun

I want to pressure Eggplant until they contribute more, I find their first three posts pretty lacking and scummy.

Starts off with generic I don’t want to be here, then votes Alarm for using exclamation points, which I find a shitty and scummy vote with not much thought behind it, then complains about it.

Sheep me Joy_Town

I also want to move out of whatever the fuck this is because it makes my head hurt reading it.


Anyway @Joy_Heart I’m simping for you


please no

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So do I. I hate ppl oems.


simps out

I’m gonna cry

I also don’t like Joy_Pig.

ok simp for me if you want
but i’m going to ignore any of the attempts

So my post achieved 1/2 goals.

It got people to talk but not about reads.

cough cough

Joy_Heart-san were you lurking when I pinged you? Got anything on your mind?

I scared everyone away :cry:

I’ll !! Help with pressure :interrobang: and I’m fine to, talk about reads as well :ghost:

/vote joy_eggplant

It’s :space_invader: tougher for me to have!! Good reads this early :writing_hand:! But :speaking_head: I can, AND WILL! look at a few people though. :email:

I’m wondering :thought_balloon: @Joy_Shirt

Why, do you think, baseball :baseball: has a scummy, opener?

Alarm’s emojiposting actually strikes me as really off, as in it doesn’t feel like it comes from town.
It :safety_vest: really isn’t :non-potable_water: hard to imitate :microphone:, so it just comes off as…wrong, especially with the reason they gave for using it. I can’t fully explain it, but w/e.
May aswell move from the memevote to the vote I actually believe in

/Vote Joy_Alarm @Marshal

kind of defeats the purpose of a pressure vote

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I was being silly. I don’t actually think that. I do like Joy_Coin’s look though. They’re a townlean for me at the moment.
