Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

A random activity check has happened.

All Joys were proded, cause like… noone posted on them for few days.

Weird. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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that would is the dumbest possible case because I have seen Cloned do this type of scenario. Just didn’t expect that it would repeat again.

fun fact: I actually had CRich in the same level as you which was null.

you had like what? 68 hours to do another post at another period of time and even if it was part of your meta, you did completely nothing this day (although I wouldn’t blame you since it was near SoD).

that was retracted because I was searching for opinion although the only clear I kept was EVO’s.

You are floundering now, Appel.

  1. Are you trying to argue that it was so important for ATNo to make Cloned look bad that he risked making himself look even worse? And that Cloned was more important to look bad than CRich, Windward, and Uni combined who were already on you?

  2. Are you saying that CRich was such a threat that he had to immediately get rid of him by D3 vote instead of waiting for the N3 kill or letting him be strongly suspected the next for starting the wagon on you?

  3. This doesn’t make sense. If W!ATNo didn’t care, he wouldn’t vote. V!ATNo said that he didn’t see the VC and didn’t know it would rand and just did the vote on CRich because he was told to.

And so you try to throw shade at me for having a life and not constantly chatting on this thread? I asked you that question to clarify your stand on ATNo because I wanted to make sure I understood correctly that you were SLing him, then went off for dinner and chores. When I came back, I saw that you replied and saw that Windward also chimed in an hour earlier, so expressed what I was thinking.

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Besides, if I were a wolf, why in the world would I bother “eagerly jumping to scumlock” you? People are already suspecting you enough. I wouldn’t draw attention to myself right now by doing that.

I didn’t know that, apologies. No need to get so defensive.

The point in this was more about that I can imagine reasons why ATNo would do act the way they did as a wolf. If I later determine that those reasons are less likely to be true than V!ATNo simply… derping and voting their townread because they were told to do so, I will obviously change my read, but I haven’t even gotten around to probing them yet. It’s just a normal read, the only difference is that I’m being suspected so it was made out to be a huge perspective slip. I’m just going to move on with my reads and interact with people, including ATNo.

Aa, I feel like the thread got too gloomy~ Weh

@ATNoName so, do you want to explain your thought process behind that EoD? :slight_smile:

I dont have time to interact. However, Im telling you all to focus on one SR at a time because due to the setup theres no point in catching more than two wolves.

Oh, alright. Later, then^^

While focusing on one SR would be ideal, it’s ultimately better if we don’t do that. First off, tunneling a single person will be detrimental to town as a whole as confbias is a dangerous drug. Worst case, having only one active SR will prevent town from cooperating and discussing their reads together, and will just result in discord as you’d have no idea what to do next when your SR dies.

I’m probably going to take a look at the nightkills. It’s pretty important to conclude whether scum still has converts or not – I already saw Whysper talking about Min’s NK a bit.

In the off-chance that you are town, I’ll accept the apology and I’ll offer my own apology for seeming defensive. However, I think you are a wolf and that was simply a tactic. :slight_smile:

Okay, something I just have to get out. It’s not so much that I’m getting defensive but more that I’m tired of seeing people try to use this tactic to shade someone. People should know by now that the other players have lives, too. I mean, you yourself talked about how busy you are, so why aren’t you assuming others could be as well? If someone hasn’t interacted with the thread for a few hours or longer, the chances are that they are simply busy with other things and not that they are a wolf just sitting there waiting to pounce.

This also goes for the thing ATNo was trying to do with shading PKR. PKR had been interacting previously even more so than a few others. But he gets busy for the day and suddenly he’s shaded for “coasting”. I mean, yeah, if a person starts to go over 24 hours with no sign of them and they didn’t really do anything for much of the game, then maybe their inactivity can be questioned.

Wolves, try better tactics than this. :slight_smile: Town, be more understanding of others. Give others leeway for being busy as I’m sure you’ve experienced yourself at times. :slight_smile:


Still not following the logic on this one. He could’ve just as easily let you die as you had the most votes at that point, but he jumped in and tied the wagons. If he was telling the truth about not seeing the VC before voting, I suppose it could’ve happened as either alignment, but I do think it’s highly unlikely ATN specifically wanted CRich dead over you unless you’re w/w.

ah, ok then. I probably missed when you said that amidst the muddle at EoD.

Going back to the wagon conversation, Whysper brings up the same point I was getting at. So at least one of Appel/ATN is a wolf, if not both, but from my point of view Appel’s just a wolf here lol.

what will you do if I tunnel you till EoD
This is not a threat; it’s simply a statement of how I feel at the moment. After wolfing with you in Umineko I think you have a decent ability to socially appear towny, but not necessarily follow it up with your actions.

That vote you left on Uni at EoD without saying much about his slot looks eerily similar to how you scumcased Gorta and then voted Light instead in Umineko. There was a disconnect between what you said and what you did.

+1 to what Whysper said, btw.

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btw, don’t try to tell me I’m comparing apples to oranges here.

I’m comparing Appel to an orange, which is the same thing kek


I actually have 2 SRs, you and ATNo. ATNo has a slightly higher chance of being town, that’s why the focus is on you first. The 3rd wolf is going to take work to figure out due to all the jump and conversion possibilities. If you’d like to help us solve that, it would be great. :slight_smile:

I have never once seen a real example of what a reasonable “perspective slip” looks like and tbh I’m doubting the method as a valid strategy in general.

Because you are suspected? :alien::alien:

Mech solving is pointless and to be frank, suspicious at this stage

this is actually why I quit backreading the part of the game where everyone was still using alts. I’m pretty sure it’s more productive to hunt down wolves in the current thread as opposed to whether they could have been scum or not previously. Converts are unreliable tells and I’m guessing we won’t always find a major tonal shift that would make it obvious. Jumps are, well, jumps, but considering the hot debate surrounding Min’s slot, I don’t think speculating on jumps is as reliable or accurate as everyone’s thought, either, or we would’ve resolved a long time ago whether a wolf had already jumped. This just proves we’re bad at noticing what’s probably a subtle difference in speech.

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I’m honestly having trouble finding a reason to townread appel, even after checking for confbias, only defense I’m seeing is that atno is also scummy lol

Even then there was speculation of appel/atno being w/w so

If appel flips wolf, probably atno next. If she flips town, we need to re eval the whole wagon, and look for opportunistic entrances that don’t match up with yesterday’s votes

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Uni comes to mind if appel flips town

But I haven’t looked at scumteam possibilities yet

Honestly considering how much shading I do I expected myself to be a wagon today