Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

Assuming im low hanging fruit we should look at the possibility that wolves are inactive because there has been no push on me

This is a misrepresentation
Sure, there was no CW, and thats becasue there was no wagon in the first place - the votes were 1v1v1v1
…is gorta scum here

I think this is notable
From appel’s pov, both wagons were town; thus, even for scum!at, just randomly choosing crich wont be that big of a problem and wont indicate their scumminess much
And yet appel chooses to echo the consensus read here

  1. i have both appel and whysper down as starting town; both grape and pig were pretty towny. I have them as scum, since i scumread both sulit and min and assume that at least one was a convert. I also dont think that marl and min are w/w, based on how d1 went, not to mention i doubt scum would have used both their converts
  2. Not necessarily, but i would say its highly likely

…insert whysper’s and wind’s thoughts about appel here…
i mindmeld with most of it

Currently i have appel/at/gorta as my highest likely
Although im a little scared about a 3/5 on appel with no CW

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Actually I don’t think they are necessarily inactive but rather failing at starting a CW. Like Appel tried to shade me. And ATNo tried to shade PKR. The 3rd wolf has to either lay low and go UTR, or deep wolf and go along with town consensus.

I understand your concern because the normal thought is that the wagon is town and wolves are content with letting the execution go through. But on the other hand, it could also show that the wagon is an obvious wolf and the other wolves have no way to defend them. And those other wolves may be either solidly in the PoE and worried about drawing more suspicion by starting a CW, or they are trying to deep wolf and going along with town consensus.


I’m not sure which way to lean because as you have pointed out, it could mean either, Whys.
And I currently have bias in thinking ATNo is a wolf because of their failed attempt to shade me earlier on.

What’s making me confused more than that is Appel not really starting a wagon.
If they’re a wolf they’ve not tried to spew or antispew anyone.
And if they’re town then they’ve not tried any sort of self pres and I’m worried about their WiM.

I want them to be around a bit later before we determine full on course of action.

Appel was sort of trying this with ATNo I think. SRing him as a way to distance so maybe one would survive if the other is caught. She also attempted to shade me in hopes that a CW might start there.

If she is town, the self-pres should be to vote ATNo since she declared him as her SR. Actually even as wolf, her best bet is probably to vote ATNo as well.


I guess we’ll see how things progress then.
And if it’s not in the way how things “should” progress, then hopefully that’ll give us more to analyse.

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if we do get two wolves, one of them def hitting the suicide/covert button

All wolves have the ability to convert/suicide?

BTW, we can certainly discuss other people and other team options in the meantime. But we have to be careful not to stray too far and miss the big picture and accidentally CFD to town again.

Like I think it’s already pretty much accepted that if Appel flips wolf, then Windward and Uni are probably cleared as town. The only reason I say probably is that converts are still a possibility. So we have to be vigilant each day. Like I think Windward definitely still looks good today.

EVO has been trending up a bit. I’m somewhat concerned about Gorta going down in activity, but that’s NAI for him.

I just wish to say that I am still a bit lost

The thread feels like its going in all directions, and there seems to be so much fog at least from my perspective. It seems to have barely improved from yesterday

I did see a world where Appel would turn out to be a convert since, gathering from previous posts made on that topic, converts are essentially low-value to the mafia when it comes to information leaking

Yes, if they still have one available, which is possible. And if one wolf is flipped and there’s a CW that’s town, that town is probably the NK to make it look like a suicide convert. Really the only way the CW is not the NK is if it’s a wolf and they ran out of suicide converts. :slight_smile:

Whysper, who is your highest townread?

You and Windward due to Appel basically slipping up by SRing ATNo. You can read up on the thread for more about this. Cloned is TL still. I slightly moved him down because of all the confusion he’s caused and for that CFD to CRich. But like I could see V!Cloned acting this way, too.

I would put Windward at highest TR, then you, then Cloned.

I want to see more content from gorta and PKR. I have seen PKR go inactive before, but this just seems a bit unusual. I would usually see their inactivity be accompanied with some solid reads however it feels different this time

Can everyone release a list of their own reads on people? And can we ISO some of the low-post players on this thread? I have seen a lot of gamesolving on the current thread-state, but barely any big ISO-posts that track a player’s thought progression

I think that is what has been making this game so weird. We’ve been caught up with the now that we haven’t taken the time to reflect on everyone’s reads and thought progression