Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

What if the meta is that you have a crazy meta that can’t be relied on? :slight_smile:

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with about 30 minutes left most switched to Appel after having nothing to go on because we spent the day pushing min instead of broadening our horizens. No one was defending min or proposing a CW, which would have likely happened if min was scum. The only reason I said you could be wolf with Appel was for your CFD in the last 5 minutes

Do I have to explain why I did nothing all night? I don’t want to, it wasn’t fun

I didn’t see any red flags from EVO in my frantic attempt to find someone I wanted to vote yesterday

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No, you don’t have to. Just showing up is a good sign that you’re still in the game. :slight_smile:

Well it just has to do with the fact that mafia Cheese, as I have played with them, isn’t afraid to be openly contradictory and may even try to lead counterwagons as mafia to help out a teammate or to play with his teammates as mafia to further confuse town or lead them down a false road.

as stated, but

Alright, so I just ISO’d Appel.

If there is one thing, I’m wtf about. It is Appel’s read on Gorta and Appel pushing me after Marl subbed out.

/vote Appel


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Vote Target Voted by Votes
Appelsiini EVO, clonedcheese, Windward away, ATNoName 4/5

Provide posts on this as examples

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Actually wait a moment.

You (Appel) started pushing Whysper after I talk about how Whysper being too focused on convert. Then you voted Uni when Uni is starting to be relevant. Then, when my slot started being relevant, you started pulling out scenario on what Wolf!me could have potentially do when you have barely played with me.

I highly doubt you trusted like half of your towncore considering you questioned Wind’s post at one point. Is currently flip-flopping on PKR and did whatever you could to catch me in a “wolfslip”

You better start explaining now.

at L-1

…What do you even mean by that? My Whysper read has nothing to do with you. Explain how me voting Uni yesterday and talking about you is scummy. How am I flip-flopping on PKR?

Post about Gorta (Not in order)

I assume Appel TRed Gorta, but theres no explanation

Appel’s interaction with me:

Note: this is after I subbed in.

I can talk about my Gorta read if you want? No one ever asked, and I went to sleep soon after.

Why did you omit the part where I realized it wasn’t a perspective slip? How is me questioning your thought process wolfy? I literally don’t understand
You’re very clearly already reading me with a conclusion in mind, no one reads that and goes “oh yes, this is wolf agenda at its finest”

That’s not what I’m trying to say. What I’m trying to say is you not doing anything beside pushing anything thats is happening currently which FMPOV looks like you’re putting shade on everyone that isn’t what I think your potential scumbuddies is.

Why did you even come up with it in the first place?

I’m sorry, but that’s exactly what you’re saying :^) Even if you don’t explicitly say it, the implications are there. Why would I start to re-evaluate my townreads that I established yesterday, instead of going through my PoE today? How does the timing of my reads make them opportunistic? Explain, please

This is literally
This is exactly what I meant
What do you mean “Why did I come up with it?”

less than 3000 posts on Day 4, huh
this is the slowest game I’ve ever been in by post count lol

This is basically my current readlist:

wallpost go brrrr, please don't ignore it just because i was nice enough to spoiler it

I’m really not sure what to make of Uni’s slot. I feel like their disconnect from the thread is actually townier than not, because if they were scum they would’ve just been filled in by their scummates. It doesn’t feel faked and I’m rather inclined to clear them to a degree for it.

ATNoName could be either town or wolf if Appel is a wolf, but if Appel is town I think he’s always town. I don’t think Appel is town, however, and I’m more sure of this than I am of ATN. I’d definitely reevaluate ATN after an Appel flip either way, but my opinion still stands that wolf!ATN would not rand the vote if both CRich and Appel are town because it draws too much unnecessary attention, except in the very specific case that ATN really derped and didn’t see the vote count, but I’m fairly sure his scummates would’ve told him not to do that right at the last minute. So he’s a scumlean but not a scumread, and we never yeet him before Appel imo.

I find myself mindmelding with Cloned and Whysper on the Appel scumread, and I do think Cloned is more likely a willager than a wolf, but that doesn’t mean his slot wouldn’t be up for reevaluation later on. Everything I’ve seen from Whysper since she replaced into the Grapes slot has both looked and felt solvy. I don’t think it’s fake, although as I recall, Whysper can imitate her town tone as scum pretty well. But because she’s producing what I’d consider meaningful content and I can understand where her thoughts come from, I think I’d also put her at a townlean for now.

Gorta, EVO and PKR have done pretty much nothing at all that’s pinged me as off. I want to ISO them more closely, however, because I think all of them are capable of mimicking their town tone and it’s more a question of what they’re actually contributing to the game.
I’ve seen Gorta actually being proactive starting sometime on D2, which I think is a really good thing, but I’m not entirely confident without backreading to see his thought processes. He’s posted enough in this game that I should be able to read him when I ISO him, though, so I’m not worried about his slot for now.
EVO I could kind of see going either way. He hopped on Heart, but then again so did I (and I started it so whoops), so I think I’ll focus on reading him off interactions and posts that aren’t related to D1.
PKR has kind of just blended in and I don’t remember most of his posts standing out to me, other than grilling Marl for not recognizing him and calling him prideful (lol). I did vibe with PKR earlier in the game when he joined me in poetry writing, but poetry is NAI so I won’t put much stock in that. My read on him is sitting at a null right now.

I think nothing short of a miracle would convince me Appelsiini is town here. Whether or not perspective slips exist, I guess I can’t really say, but I think riding the consensus SR on ATN is just the most sensible thing for wolf!Appel to do in an effort not to stand out too much. I know she can imitate her town tone well as a wolf, but as I said before, that disconnect between what she says and what she does is still something I’ve noticed, and I honestly find that condemning enough to keep my vote on her. She’s my strongest scumread, not just from the discussion at EoD yesterday but based on how she reacted to it today and tried to worm her way out of it by pointing fingers at ATN. I also felt like she was struggling to scumread people yesterday (like how she started sussing Gorta but then rescinded it), while today she has no problem accusing ATN, and I could see this being a result of her most recent scum game where she made a scum case on her teammate (Gorta) and it resulted in an unintended bus. Right after that, I’d assume she would have learned her lesson and tried to be more careful by not scum casing her teammates right away.

Anyway, I think that’s all I have to say for now and I don’t want to interrupt the interaction between Appel and ATN so I’m waiting to post this but I kinda need to go lol

eh fuck it I’m hitting “Reply”


can you provide examples of this

self-pres by voting the only wagon :thinking:

ignore the first part
posted before finished sorry

And you asked something different

Idfk, I’m not omniscient. You decided voting Uni who had like 5 posts at that time (a literal coin flip) was a better idea than Whysper, Min, PKR.

because I haven’t seen you carrying it over. You say that they are scum, then put it down and start pushing someone else.

sigh why did you reply to something that was meant for CRich that requires context too? what were you thinking at that time.

The only reason I moved my focus onto you is because Whysper specifically asked me to state my read on you.

I was thinking “wait, is this a perspective slip”
“No it’s not, I’m too tired for FM”

The fact that you’re unable to view it as what it is is silly