Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

Then there might have been a couple more agreements before Appel jumped in.

I want to look at PKR in a bit

Agreed, it doesnā€™t disprove that possibility

whatā€™s convenient though is that AT lays the groundwork for CRich and then cloned goes ā€œIā€™m not sure about this, letā€™s CFD to CRichā€

Like why CRich of all people?

I just wanted to clarify that it wasnā€™t like a sudden jump from Appel to SR ATNo. It was more like going along with the consensus.

Cloned also CFDā€™s to CRich because ā€œthe wagon on Appel grew too fastā€, but is more than willing to vote there the next day

Oh really, ATNo started the stuff on CRich? Could you point out the post? Cause I saw where he was actually starting to clear CRich, but then seemed to go back on that and say he wasnā€™t sure.

oh, I thought Cloned initiated the CFD to CRich. I asked him why, and he said CRich looked scummiest out of all the people wagoning Appel.

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Also to clarify. Appel already made the comment about SRing ATNo after a few others did. When I saw that, I thought that was totally weird, which is why I asked her to clarify her thoughts on ATNo. Thatā€™s when she gave the more thorough SR on him that sheā€™s saying I asked for.

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No, yā€™all are right here

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do you think this was motivated by scum trying to grab towncredit while being w/w, or that Cloned was a villager realizing he made a mistake and trying to compensate by resolving the slot that shouldā€™ve gotten eliminated the day before?

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I donā€™t know, Iā€™m just thinking out loud here

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I plan to take a peek at cloned though

Yeah and if you look at the N2 NKA post that ATNo did at Road, he was clearing both EVO and CRich for the day. But then he has something labeled as an edit where he says heā€™s not so sure anymore. I quoted this earlier and Iā€™m waiting for him to explain that.

oh, now thatā€™s interesting

Haha Road should have been EoD. Autocorrect on mobile. :slight_smile:

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yeah, I saw that. I think when I originally read it, it didnā€™t have the edit on it and thatā€™s why I thought he just jumped straight from TRing CRich to voting him. I didnā€™t see the edit until you quoted it earlier today, which lines up with what ATN said about having started to doubt his read on CRich, but Iā€™m not really sure if that does anything to make the vote look any better tbh.

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From his story, I think he says he started preparing that long post earlier and was finishing it up. So he maybe added that edit later after some stuff at EoD.

Oh ok, then maybe I really did just overlook it. Iā€™ll just look at his original post before EoD once I have a bit more time.

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