Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

read this:

Lmfao idgaf about popcorn, the WAGON is sus

I rate Heartā€™s pop in 0/10.

0 being pinged in scum chat, and 10 being actually towny.


Iā€™m so funny

Hmmm, true. But it will improve things by reducing how many votes we need for majority and Iā€™d rather get rid of a slanker town than a town thatā€™s actively trying to solve the game.

if i looked you in the eyes
and said that, id be lying
but i still think for these guys (heart/popcorn)
im fine with their dying.

I love how it was so funny even heart liked it

It was a hypothetical question.

:joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: Vote Count

Vote Target Voted by Votes
joy_heart joy_france, joy_alarm, joy_coin, joy_eevee, joy_shirt, joy_hamster 6
joy_popcorn joy_heart, joy_pig, joy_tongue 3
joy_alarm joy_eggplant, joy_lock, joy_grapes 3
joy_tongue joy_cloud, joy_popcorn 2
joy_eevee joy_moon 1
joy_pig joy_shirt 1

Ping me or Arete if there are errors.

that being said, i think heart looks worse
and i want them yote with an uncanny thirst.

Gee Heart popped in at a convenient time huh?

can i donā€™t


Where is this person


in that hypothetical game, weā€™d just say ā€œok theyā€™re scumā€ and move on, for them to die to a nightvig or a d2 or d3

d1 slankexe isā€¦ unoptimal

Can you post cat pictures? Asking for a friend.

This honestly made me laugh IRL.

Itā€™s EoD, it means little tbh but heā€™s still scum

or, alternatively
my day be
so fine
then boom
i get prodded for inactivity

alright letā€™s just do what I think should happen
follow me if you agree with my mafia theory :^)

/vote joy_cloud @Marshal @Arete

Your mafia theory is beta.

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