Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

brb ripping cat pictures off the internet

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why are there two votes still on alarm
by players who arent here? my take is lukewarm
but that wagon looks awful just at a glance.
would you say this wagon is wolfy, perchance?

I honestly donā€™t know what is up with Eggplant right now to be honest.

eggplant scum
lock ???
grapes ???
those last two arenā€™t even here so

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Iā€™d say that wagon is towny, and the effort to find CFDs to suppress that wagon is annoying me


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:joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: Vote Count

Vote Target Voted by Votes
joy_heart joy_france, joy_alarm, joy_coin, joy_eevee, joy_shirt, joy_hamster 6
joy_popcorn joy_heart, joy_pig, joy_tongue 3
joy_alarm joy_lock, joy_grapes 2
joy_tongue joy_cloud, joy_popcorn 2
joy_eevee joy_moon 1
joy_cloud joy_eggplant 1

Ping me or Arete if there are errors.

no one has actually told me they think popcorn is town

kill popcorn

why are you resisting the heart vote so hard?
i suppose its one way to play your cards,
but youre trying too much, and i find it strange
that you want the wagoning to change.


Regardless of what Heart flips, I think Eggplant warrants a second look tomorrow.

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/vote joy_heart

well yeah obviously
every does
If everyone sees heart as towny, itā€™s optimal for us to leave the for later

You just mind melded with me here. Scary.

when i think that both heart and popcorn are scum,
but heart votes popcorn, am i being dumb?
if heart wants corn dead, then how would you explain?
unless heart is town, whats your thought train?


@Arete, @eevee and @Marshal

We canā€™t afford to let scummy players live this game though, or they could be scum thatā€™ll jump to someone else.

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ā€¦so they can jump?

Did you forget what the game was

i highly doubt weā€™ll miss a jump
everyone has unique vocab and speaking styles

and because of this, im playing this game practically as a mountainous