Pretty sure it has to be this way
The ambiguous cases are all starkly different from one another
Ultimately, no one can make such a choice but the host.
There is no way to cover everything with written rules.
It’s just impossible.
At least for the classic FoL there should be clear, not host-based rules.
The reason why I place that notion as the highest level standard is that hosts sometimes forget to mention something from time to time. They aren’t infallible.
This is why we have a game review process that makes sure that doesn’t happen frequently.
That’s all listed in the Hub, which should be pinned in the FoL category
FoL has been honed over years
it’s more developed from the SFoL’s, SFM’s, and the rest
Still, these ambiguous angleshooting cases can occur, even in FoL.
I think it is
I just know that I got warned for different things which weren’t mentioned at all
Those things were probably in the ambiguous area
such things, by their nature, are just impossible to exactly and fully descriptively define
or at least, that’s what i’ve learned.
Last resort is ask the mod.
Generally a good last resort if I’m going to be honest
It’s just bad if the rules are not clearly determined, because you cannot punish based on that.
You cannot enforce them.
A great way to get new players up to the level of intentionality is newbie vanilla games, but people don’t really join those unfortunately.
Angleshooting can be fluid and vague in ambiguous cases. It’s just in its nature.
That’s how it’s always worked, and such things have always been enforced by the host, when they’ve seen fit.
I can
If it harms integrity of the game, I will fix the problem.
With experience, it is possible to get a feel for how to avoid even these ambiguous cases
But it still takes experience, and at the end, it’s still not specifically definable.
ambiguous cases are just different from case to case.
“Host discretion” is in my eyes just lazyness to determine the rules, and allows the host to interpret the rules arbitrarily. Hosts are not immune to favoritism.
To me it would be hard to better define angleshooting
Although, it doesn’t seem unreasonable to add more detail for most or all past previous distinct in nature ambiguous cases
It’s not possible to anticipate every new type of ambiguous case
but it is true that most of them that will occur in the future have had ambiguous cases of the same type already occur in the past.
New types of ambiguous cases are extremely rare.
Probably under 3%