ToL's future and the importance of FoL

Butler was actually my go-to fake claim last year. This year it is Drunk…
Being able to fake logs is an art. The real beauty is to fake claim Obs.
Teleology wrote a wonderful guide how to fake claim each BD class

What if a Butler occupies another Butler, and this Butler would have occupied a Physician? Imo the Butler with the lower number would have priority, and that’s a pretty poor solution for things which happen this common.

no that’s obvious
the occupy action is occupied so the Phys can use their heal

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So you would propose to give occupations on other occupiers always priority?

If you blocked an action that’s blocking another action, that action is blocked, so the original action is processed.

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Right now, when you just remove occupation immunity, it would happen this way:

2 Butler
3 Butler
4 Physician

2 wants to occupy 3, 3 wants to occupy 4.
2 has priority over 3, since he has a lower number, so 3 gets occupied and can’t occupy 4.

Other way around:
3 wants to occupy 2, 2 wants to occupy 4.
2 has priority over 3, so 4 gets occupied, and 2 doesn’t get occupied, since the ability of 2 gets processed first.

My system is thus:

If an occupier is targeting somebody who is doing an occupation action, then they’re bumped ahead of that person in the priority queue. This way, if an occupier targets another occupier, the action goes through and blocks an action.

i should confess that I’m not very good at programming things or understanding how things were programmed, but I know what kind of action system I’d use because it’s the one i use for my custom games.

Maybe what nuke said isn’t completely correct. But I predict eventually you will get rid of all the unneeded notifications that confirm people for no reason.

That said there’s really no way to find out besides waiting.

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At the very least I know this is possible to program without spaghetti code.

Idk about redirections but occupies are fairly straightforward

Can confirm

lol what

Do you have any idea where most of us started?

Clearly not


You implying rich coding experience, poured in playing hours across a long time in ToL’s history, both, or something else?


Definitely this one. Although not nearly as much as a lot of other people in terms of hours I’ve been here for years.

unfortunately my coding experience is not quite enough to be called “rich” as I still have far too much to learn.

but yeah I’m not saying that FoL is literally just ToL 3.0 or something.

ToL will definitely never have cult points for example.

I’m just saying a lot of problems that FoL has had to solve already are things that ToL will eventually have to tackle as well due to a maturing playerbase.

FoL’s fundamental differences are why they had to do this immediately and why complex interactions such as the Lich and Cult points are able to be a thing, but things like for example everyone knowing when they were healed or occupied are things that I predict might be either removed or mitigated as much as possible as time goes on.

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RTSDGs in general

You don’t really end up in FoL if you don’t love these types of games, for the most part

A lot of us have years of experience both playing and balancing these types of games, and so to blanket discount suggestions because we also play a different format is foolish.


That’s not what we meant. The experiences with FoL are just mostly irrelevant for ToL (mostly… not everything). It just doesn’t really matter if you play FoL or not, you need ToL experience if you want improve ToL.

Not really. It’s very easy to translate balancing forum of lies to throne of lies. Throne of lies is essentially a turbo mafia game and thus can be balanced as a turbo


Of course the games are different in ways. But saying that you can’t critique a writer because you aren’t a writer is inaccurate. They may be a English Teacher.


Adding on to the English Teacher thing.

An English Teacher is able to tell and correct the basic mistakes of a story that a writer has made. However they cannot tell how to improve the story story wise.

In Forum Of Lies the English teacher wants everything to be perfect. They want everything to be balanced and for everything to be made perfect. In the English teachers mind perfect means making sheriff not guaranteed to spawn. Making Cult Alts exist and Changing some neutrals. Everything to try to reduce the amount of swing in a game.

However, the Story Teller does something different. They don’t want a story to be boring and balanced. Sometimes people won’t read a story where a group of people talk about their life. They will however read of a hero slaying a dragon. So the story teller tells the story of the prince slaying the unseen with random elements thrown in the mix. They don’t care if it’s swingy as long as it works. The English teacher obviously doesn’t like this and tries to change this but will fail miserably. This of course is fun because it’s balanced enough where it’s obviously not truly broken and these chaos moments lead to fun.

However, the English teacher will be able to correct the obviously unbalanced things in a game. For example let’s say that they made a sheriff unkillable. The English teacher will be able to point this out and the story teller will be like ah yeah thanks for spotting that grammar mistake.

In a way this is kind of like fol and tol right now


Weird implementation of that analogy but eh close enough

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