ToS2399 - ɢᴀᴍᴇ ᴛʜʀᴇᴀᴅ - ɢᴀᴍᴇ ᴏᴠᴇʀ [ᴍᴀꜰɪᴀ ᴡɪɴꜱ] - ᴀᴡ ꜱʜɪᴛ, ʜᴇʀᴇ ᴡᴇ ɢᴏ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ

i translated a couple but then got frusterated and stopped

this is perfection


Finally I have improvemed this


[Airlock, post 3879, word 1] [NUF FM, post 243, word 6] [CMF Signup thread, post 905, word 8] [BOTF 3, post 1042, word 4] [ToS2399, post 495, word 14] . [CFM2 game thread, post 802, word 1] [Bastard++ Canned, post 553, word 5] !

uh i dont feel like looking this up, translation plz










[CFM2, post 904, word 12] [Hydra Jailkeeper 9/9, post 778, word 3] , [WoW: BFA, post 1203, word 4] .

no stop ur a monster

1 Like

I’ll do you a favor, it says “Great job, nerd.” @Arete


You’re right. I should stop giving the name of the games and just leave you guys to guess and hope :slight_smile:

I’ve been kinda busy today, so that’ll have to wait until tomorrow.

Light can live I guess, if it was hangman’s gambit. They still wasted 180 posts though, and I don’t think it was a good idea.

App also did that to me and Intensify as well, but I think out of everyone Intensify looks slightly worse. I should probaly re-eval that slot when I get back, but I was reading them as null-slight town lean before.

The first two posts you highlighted were when I was thinking that either App was doing some bs RT (there was a world with T!App) and I was 80% sure that App was some kind of evil neutral or a LW if it wasn’t some bs RT. I wasn’t quite sure which it was, but I had to out it

I am also awake now and will be back to talk in a bit (need food)

[Insurgency, post 1474, word 20] [CFM2, post 3048, word 474] [DG&DT, post 396, word 36] , [Hell in a Cell, post 57, word 10] [Homestuck Thread 2, post 553, word 48] [Insurgency, post 598, word 12] [Bastard++, post 389, word 12] [ToS2, post 7958, word 11] [Hydra JK 9/9, post 621, word 4] [ToS2, post 851, word 14, singularized] .

[CFM2 game thread, post 802, word 1] [Bastard++ Canned, post 553, word 5] !

Why are we talking like this?

I suppose I need to establish dms with everyone if I am to get a read on people at this point

what is light doing

I’m winning the event, duh

fuck this event