ToS2399 - ɢᴀᴍᴇ ᴛʜʀᴇᴀᴅ - ɢᴀᴍᴇ ᴏᴠᴇʀ [ᴍᴀꜰɪᴀ ᴡɪɴꜱ] - ᴀᴡ ꜱʜɪᴛ, ʜᴇʀᴇ ᴡᴇ ɢᴏ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ

they can later

like you are so hellbent on saying that PMs deny info while making no attempt to

a) get any information out of PMs that people have said to have
b) make PMs yourself


why do people need to have this info? and why are you not seeking any of it out?

you are just here whining that you aren’t getting any information while making literally no attempt to get any yourself

Like sure town cant see everything that is said, but if its anything concerning u can take snippits or quote it

If you think that something was said that needs to be heard, share it

Like App

Be like App except not a fricking NERD

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that argument is only remotely valid if you’re comparing ‘talking in PMs’ to ‘talking in the main thread’

it doesn’t apply if you’re comparing ‘talking in PMs’ to ‘just not saying anything lol!’


i’m fine screenshotting my whole PM with light or quoting it

there’s nothing mechanically sensetive in there

but have you asked me to do that? no! You’ve just been complaining that you aren’t getting these precious few posts that are oh so vital to the gamesolve :roll_eyes:.

(FWIW Gorta has actually reached out to talk to me in PM)

I am saying main is mostly a meme’d up mess with most of the work happening in pms where wolves can slip through the cracks and get by

if you are afraid of wolves “slipping by”

why have you not actually reached out to people with a low main thread presence and high DM presence to talk, publicly or privately?


like whos slipping by the cracks?

Neighborhoods are always negative utility unless it’s a Town + Town
Which is usually not even a neighborhood it’s a masonry

imagine having main thread presence

The fact that I am using PMs this game should make me locktown considering I believe neighborhoods are always negative utility for scum actually

the only people i’ve talked to actively in DMs still have a good main thread prescence

Light, App, Dat, Arete, wazza, conroy

those are the people who most of my PMs are with

All of them are in the top 1/2 of posters (arete is the lowest but they’ve been really on-topic)

who are the wolves slipping through the cracks gorta?

conroy I agree should probably step up their main thraed game

but i’m fine posting screenshots from our chat taht don’t relate to mech

why haven’t you asked for these?

I’m incredibly careful with neighborhoods so I haven’t voluntarily messaged a lot of people now that I think about it

I’ll still never get over mech desicions in Dreaming God
What a circus

I should, but I think it allows better wolves to get by

mate, I don’t know who could be slipping by now, but it’s very possible for wolves to slip by.

you say this

who specifically has a DM presence that you’ve heard of but not main thread

why haven’t you pinged people with low main thread presence

bad: complaining about how you don’t like the threadstate

good: actively working to change the threadstate


ah yes the invisible enemy