ToS2399 - ɢᴀᴍᴇ ᴛʜʀᴇᴀᴅ - ɢᴀᴍᴇ ᴏᴠᴇʀ [ᴍᴀꜰɪᴀ ᴡɪɴꜱ] - ᴀᴡ ꜱʜɪᴛ, ʜᴇʀᴇ ᴡᴇ ɢᴏ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ

can you copy/paste or screenshot those reads

can you copy/paste or screenshot those reads

it’s more useful than anything in the past hour of ‘tHrEaDsTaTe BaD’ :upside_down_face:

personally I think if I was wolf I could like ez pocket arete

I have ez pocketed arete i’m just town and this is how I’ve figured out they are town

it wouldn’t be hard to do like 80% of the things that i’ve done in DMs with them as scum and I think they are too fast to clear me

my science way of reading them is probably too gamer for me to do as wolf

and i’ll explain that


arete won’t like this post probably but will like what comes next



may I

without a doubt idc

uh go ahead as long as it doesn’t have anything mech related

Whatever you say, but this is anti-town

if you think that people solving in DMs rather than the thread is anti-town

then solve in the thread

all you’re doing is complaining about the threadstate, you’re not doing anything to change it


I am trying to get people to recognize it

recognize what, a lot of people have been solving in dms, one because its people they are already townreading, two its because whats the point in talking in main when i can have a clean formatted talk with someone whos not gonna just spam uwus mid chat. Its like if u got a problem with dm solving, reach out, solve, and start a discussion, complaining and saying dms is anti town dont do squat but make main even worse than it is

The issue is that no one recognizes the threat

My approach to arete this game in public and in DMs has been to have the mindset of TMIing them town and pocketing them

I basically have approached arete in specific as w marshal would approach v arete

I haven’t faked any reads discussed with them but I have been deliberately trying to pocket them multiple times and it has worked

my theory has been, basically, that if I can do my regular wolf strategy of “appeal to arete and predict what they think and use this to pocket them” and like… successfully do this, it should prove V arete as arete is very unlikely to be able to fake being pocketed by me and make posts that I can expect them to make.

I’ve looked over interactions and determined that arete is like, 99% town here.

I have like on 4 or 5 seperate occasions deliberately made pocket attempts on arete and predicted exactly how they’d respond to certain posts

I think this is like really hard to fake from them, especially because I have told nobody that I have been doing this and it’s really weird for a wolf to anticipate that

I think my problem with reading arete when i’ve misread them is not like strongly considering v!arete worlds and what v!arete would actually say

and I thought by getting myself into like the mindset of v!arete and predict exactly what they will post that I can just be sure on arete v.

I’ve analysed this afterwards without pretending to have TMI arete v and I stand hard by my conclusions

tl;dr: most of my posting towards arete has been trying to pocket them. I’ve succeeded and this makes me feel like arete is just super likely to be villager as I don’t think it’s possible for them to be fake pocketed by me when having no way to anticipate this.

@Arete I want your thoughts on this

and if you ever picked up on this

also get pocketed nerd

i recognize the threat thats why i have like three non townread dms and like 5 townread dms. I mainly talking with people i trust

oh dear

I do think you have been too trusting of me all together

i’ve done a lot of things to deliberately pocket you and it’s worked

and most of those thing (minus my reads) are completely fakeable and probably very close to actually what I would do as wolf

however in doing this i’ve confidently come to the conclusion arete v

I don’t think it’s possible for them to fake this, like, ever


DatBird conversation, some formatting got messed up when I copypasted


Icibalus, Dat Bird

Welcome to the beginning of the Icibalus, Dat Bird group.

July 20, 2020

[ 12:11 PM ] Arete :

cat noises

[ 12:11 PM ] Dat Bird :

Hello what’s up

[ 12:11 PM ] Dat Bird :

Oh this is for 2399 right

[ 12:11 PM ] Arete :


[ 12:11 PM ] Arete :

I’m creating a chat with everyone in the game

[ 12:11 PM ] Arete :

and you are in the game

[ 12:11 PM ] Arete :

ergo chat

[ 12:12 PM ] Dat Bird :

Eh I hope everyone doesnt do this
[brief mech stuff]

[ 12:19 PM ] Dat Bird :

So Arete anyone standing out to you atm

[ 12:19 PM ] Arete :

ngl I haven’t read most of the thread

[ 12:19 PM ] Arete :

because I’ve been trying to create messages

[ 12:19 PM ] Dat Bird :

It’s mainly shit posting tbf
[mech stuff]

[different mech stuff, I think the way he was using mechanics is town-AI but this isn’t something that’s necessarily good to discuss in public (might be safe) (this doesn’t relate to role stuff I can DM you a summary if you want)]
July 21, 2020

[ 2:34 PM ] Dat Bird :

what are ur thoughts on cheese

[ 2:34 PM ] Arete :

he is a player in the game

[ 2:35 PM ] Arete :


[ 2:35 PM ] Arete :

I think that regardless of his alignment his read on Apprentice is bad

[ 2:35 PM ] Arete :

but it’s bad in a way that’s consistent with how he tends to make reads as town

[ 2:35 PM ] Dat Bird :

I think the logic behind on when to reveal it is worse though, like why why hold on to it

[ 2:35 PM ] Arete :


[ 2:36 PM ] Dat Bird :

imma be straight with u

[ 2:36 PM ] Dat Bird :

u been weird

[ 2:37 PM ] Dat Bird :

like idk i feel like im in a one sided convo a lot, and everyones been like me and aretes convos been great

[ 2:37 PM ] Dat Bird :

and im like i dont feel that

[ 2:38 PM ] Dat Bird :

idk rambling of a crazy man

[ 2:38 PM ] Arete :

I’m sorry if I’m being underwhelming

[ 2:38 PM ] Arete :

I can like

[ 2:38 PM ] Arete :

talk more?

[ 2:39 PM ] Arete :

be more responsive?

[ 2:39 PM ] Arete :

if that would help

[ 2:39 PM ] Dat Bird :

its just idk, i guess i expect a lot. Maybe im being harsh. Ur one of the better player ya know

[ 2:39 PM ] Dat Bird :

lets talk poe

[ 2:39 PM ] Dat Bird :

who u feeling

[ 2:41 PM ] Arete :


[ 2:42 PM ] Dat Bird :

like where im at I was talking with sulit, and like conroys been weird, intensify is strcitly poe, pkr is such a weird case and i can see him as both, cheese is just like wtf, light was heavily down there, and im not letting him fully out til he like steps up

[ 2:42 PM ] Arete :

Ami Jane

[ 2:42 PM ] Dat Bird :

kyos been weird too

[ 2:42 PM ] Arete :


[ 2:42 PM ] Arete :

so I have you as likely town

[ 2:42 PM ] Arete :

Wazza as likely town

[ 2:42 PM ] Arete :

App as likely town mostly for his sucky reactiontest

[ 2:42 PM ] Dat Bird :

wazza is prob town agree, yup agree on app

[ 2:42 PM ] Arete :

Marshal as >rand town

[ 2:43 PM ] Dat Bird :

without a doubt

[ 2:43 PM ] Arete :

I personally liked Light’s gambit well not ‘liked’ but think it’s town AI

[ 2:43 PM ] Dat Bird :

did u get anything from Ami

[ 2:43 PM ] Dat Bird :

cause if anyone talked to them it would be u

[ 2:43 PM ] Arete :

no she just flirted with me for a bit

[ 2:43 PM ] Arete :

nothing game related

[ 2:43 PM ] Dat Bird :

lol of course

[ 2:43 PM ] Dat Bird :

how bout jane

[ 2:43 PM ] Dat Bird :

they been quiet

[ 2:43 PM ] Arete :

I don’t remember a single thing they’ve written

[ 2:44 PM ] Arete :

oh I liked Mist’s posting

[ 2:44 PM ] Arete :

so if I take out all the people I have as kind of townie I’m left with

Ami Jane

[ 2:44 PM ] Arete :

which is an enormous PoE

[ 2:44 PM ] Arete :

Emilia is just a giant question mark at the moemnt

[ 2:45 PM ] Arete :


[ 2:45 PM ] Arete :

like at first I was like ‘activity tells so wof’

[ 2:45 PM ] Arete :


[ 2:45 PM ] Arete :


[ 2:45 PM ] Arete :

now she’s … posting in binary … but the binary is joycats

[ 2:45 PM ] Dat Bird :

Jane iso: starts with a cheese vote no explanation says light is scummy mech question saying light is scum

[ 2:45 PM ] Dat Bird :

thats his readlist

[ 2:46 PM ] Dat Bird :

u took out Zone?

[ 2:46 PM ] Arete :

hm it seems notable that they have 2 townreads and 5 ‘should die’

[ 2:46 PM ] Arete :


[ 2:46 PM ] Arete :

I did not mean to take out Zone

[ 2:46 PM ] Arete :

might’ve accidentally deleted them when trying to take out Mist

[ 2:47 PM ] Arete :

(part of why I found Mist’s posting good was that I mindmelded with some of their thoughts about Zone’s play here vs. the practice game we were in)

[ 2:47 PM ] Dat Bird :

it seemed genuine, and zone admitted to it so i found that really weird

[ 2:48 PM ] Dat Bird :

Maximus i want to throw a TL on only cuz he doesnt give af about scum from memory but like it feels cheap

[ 2:48 PM ] Dat Bird :

Simon is in a weird boat of mechanics only

[ 2:48 PM ] Dat Bird :

and im like

[ 2:48 PM ] Dat Bird :

okay i hoped u try something a bit different, i even offered to help like after ur last game

[ 2:52 PM ] Arete :


[ 2:52 PM ] Arete :

the people who’ve actively pinged me are like PKR Intensify and … actually that’s it

[ 2:53 PM ] Arete :

has Italy been posting

[ 2:53 PM ] Dat Bird :

nothing of note if at all

[ 2:53 PM ] Dat Bird :

PKR is weird

[ 2:53 PM ] Dat Bird :

cause like

[ 2:53 PM ] Arete :

the thing with PKR was like

[ 2:53 PM ] Arete :

he was like ‘I’m not posting here because I’ve been posting in PMs’

[ 2:53 PM ] Arete :

but then that was a lie

[ 2:53 PM ] Arete :

and it’s like

[ 2:53 PM ] Arete :

why would you lie about it

[ 2:53 PM ] Arete :

as any alignment

[ 2:53 PM ] Dat Bird :

yeah cause i felt it was so offf. no one was talking bout him

[ 2:54 PM ] Dat Bird :

and im like if ur having plenty why is no one like hard townreading or scumreading ya

[ 2:54 PM ] Dat Bird :

but then i called him out he went to dms
[role stuff]

[ 2:55 PM ] Dat Bird :

and then brought up a red flag of caring about he looked a lot, cause he said he wanted to be carefree town pkr and me calling him out ruined it

[ 2:55 PM ] Dat Bird :

like a lot his posting felt genuine

[ 2:55 PM ] Dat Bird :

in the dm at least

[ 2:56 PM ] Dat Bird :

and im like genuine sadness prob town, but its just all this weird on top and im like wtf

[ 2:56 PM ] Arete :

nod nod nod

[role stuff]

[ 2:57 PM ] Arete :

there’s a part of me that’s like ‘as scum he could’ve just said he was talking to his partners’

[ 2:57 PM ] Arete :

but idk if he would do that

[ 2:58 PM ] Arete :

he’s distance-y

[role stuff]

[ 3:06 PM ] Dat Bird :

gth who wouldu lynch

[ 3:06 PM ] Arete :

uhhhhh probably Intensify

[ 3:06 PM ] Arete :

pretty sure I’m, like, voting them

[ 3:06 PM ] Dat Bird :

me 2

[more mech stuff]

I did not pick up on this no


my first thought is ‘well this seems like a townie way to approach my slot since he’s admitting to it’


I feel like that’s what you’re expecting me to say

and you’re going to be like ‘haha sike I predicted this’

What timezone / How long ago was 3 pm

you forgot to add Geyde to that group


I’ve like

barely added Geyde to any of them

because we got (/I noticed) the announcement after I made most of the groups

and I’m lazy