Town of Salem has ISO Now

but orange what if the evils are just really bad and can’t do anything other than fake Fool

why are you trying to remove claimspace


Oh geez you’re right

Why would we ever let really bad evils reap the benefits of being bad

Silly me


apologies for the comment
it was clearly over the line

and while it wasn’t directed at anyone(and i would never direct it at anyone)
i will refrain from using language like that in the future


(if you still want to disallow me from FM for a week i’d request that i’d at least be allowed to spectate the games im currently in and would have to out from)


they probs realized that trying to bully someone out, just cuz they have not the same opinion about ISO, isn’t the fine way

Remove fool #debate

Just to clarify, I did tell you the reasons why ISO most likely will never be implemented. Trying to discredit me or these arguments doesn’t change anything that they are true.
It’s your full right to discuss ISO, but as long as these problems are just getting discredited, and not tried to be addressed at all, there’s no way this discussion will lead to anything productive.

There’s, like, exactly one person here who I would consider having done anything resembling “bullying” you

And they haven’t even posted 5 times

I know it’s in strikethrough, so it can be played off as a joke regardless of whether or not it was meant as one

But if that’s really how you feel on the subject then you really need to take a step back and look at your response to obstacles in your way because accusing people who disagree with you of bullying you for debating an opinion piece is just not a good quality to have

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I will do you the favor of assuming it was 100% a joke, because I know my own jokes are often missed by people

But I would also hope that, if there is any truth in those feelings at all, you take a moment to consider that just because someone disagrees with you doesn’t mean they’re out to get you or a bad person.

You are cool, but sometimes people rather attack the person than the arguments.

There were quite some misunderstandings just on the base “how could you like ISO/how could you not like ISO? You can’t mean this in good faith!”
But that’s not on purpose.

I came here for the geydeposts and they’ve managed to make me smile so I’m content

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and this was entertaining so thank you all

Geyde and Solic made me smile as well.

I will now promptly go back to lurking


If you think none of the 686 other posts in this thread at the time were doing anything but “dismissing your points” and “refusing to engage”, then I think you need to turn your eyes inwards :man_shrugging:

We have, as a general rule, happily discussed the merits and pitfalls of various solutions.

You have been putting the cart before the horse, using your feelings on the matter to justify your reasonings.

You have been constantly changing the subject. I haven’t counted the number of times you changed the subject from ToL to “what about in FoL” when it suited you, and then swapping right back to “what about ToL” as soon as you hit a real point of contention - but I’ve noticed it repeatedly.

You have been more than happy to paint others’ opinions as having no merit, but even now you complain about the same.

It’s not the end of the world if ToL doesn’t get an Iso feature. It’s just scary because it looks like it’s the beginning of the end of ToL. If justifying your opinions is more important to you then the future of the game, then I suppose everything you’ve done over the course of this thread is in your best interests.

But I’d really encourage you to practice a little empathy, at least try and consider what others are saying, and quit outright dismissing their opinions. You don’t need to agree with them, but the holier-than-thou attitude is really not doing you any favors.



Good example

Nobody thinks that not liking Iso is a bad-faith opinion

It’s the constant “I don’t like it because it is factually bad and debate on whether or not it is bad is useless because it is” that is literally the opposite of good faith


Whether or not you mean to be acting in good faith is irrelevant when you are clearly not

And it’s solely a matter of how you choose to approach discussion

It’s 100% fixable