Town of Salem has ISO Now

because as I’ve mentioned, it equally benefits wolves to have more time to plan their actions effectively

okay then assume that. :roll_eyes:

It is townsided
I just don’t think cutting daytime more is correct answer
I personally subscribe to the idea that the way daytime is structured is the townsided portion of it

If a guy claims a redcheck on bob, and gets him lynched (he flips bd), prince has time to jail them

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that’s not the same fucking thing. in my scenario, the PRs have actively added more information while simultaneously obscuring it. that’s a balance issue, not a QoL one

Butler’s also able to poison king after trial iirc

I personally don’t get why that safety net exists, but maybe I’m missing some essential details

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Then cut the daytime “at the front”. It’d be the same thing?

I don’t understand the difference.

if that’s the case, then it’s wolfsided, because it’s actively obliterating small amounts of information through the structure of the PRs. ISOs, on the other hand, solely make info that was already accessible easier to reach.

The scenarios are independent.

So you agree that introducing ISO is at least worth +5 seconds of the game (I’d think maybe 10, but it doesn’t matter)
But you also think that giving more time into a turbo is changing the balance towards BD.
And you still say that ISO is balance neutral and not a bit bd-sided.

The thing is that you’re timeboxed, so information is still going to be less accessible. You’re saying it’s negligible, I agree, 5 seconds less daytime is also negligible to me. :man_shrugging:

Because I don’t agree with that statement

Because BD doesn’t really do that much with those 5 seconds

I say it’s not negligible enough to even consider doing that because it’s not exclusively BD-sided.

There was no time after trial end in the past, and they changed it. And people love it afaik, since you can coordinate more.

oh so now people love having convenience features with negligible balance impact wow


Having time after trial end is BD-sided…
You can see “ok the guy flipped BD even when we thought he’ll flip evil”
you can make a new night plan

and people like that change. but your argument is predicated on the fact that people wouldn’t like ISOs, isn’t it?

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that much being the keywords. ISOing slightly buffs town, cutting that daytime up front slightly buffs scum. Done deal, provided we assume ToL is perfectly balanced as is.

but I don’t think it does slightly buff villagers in ToL!