Town of Salem has ISO Now

Do you think doubling daytime would buff town in ToL?

I do, but the difference is that ISOing doesn’t just save time. Convenience and time are not the same thing, although they are linked.

the duality of man (and priestess)

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Just because it would do more for you, doesn’t take away from the fact that it does save time, so it is a townsided mechanic, however small that effect may be for you.

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It’s hard for me to explain, but if we don’t alter the time then it benefits the wolves more.


Not any that aren’t significantly outweighed by the benefits or easily fixable

Booo, uninteresting answer.

Wait, that’s not quite what I’m trying to say, but what I mean is… reducing villager’s time makes the wolves being able to save time more valuable

I mean actions after trial end
I get talking

THIS gets me

Day is reduced, and day is the phase that is sided in favour of the villagers, right? That is in exchange for the time that the villagers have gained using the ISO feature. But of course, the wolves also benefit from it being easier to track claims. And they also benefit from shortening the day. That’s uncountered wolf advantage. Congratulations. You’ve just made a balance-neutral change be a reason to make the game slightly wolfsided.

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I mean, is it balanced?

I’m disputing the fact that these are equal effects.


hell if I know.

I think its because
you can’t use your day actions in the first 15 seconds of the day.
Then people immediately vote up someone.
You are too slow to get your day ability off.
During trial you can’t use your day actions. (you can’t poison the king, you can’t bleed anyone)
They exe.

You just weren’t able to use your day abilities cuz you didn’t win a click race. And that would… suck.

Proposed solution sorta works

I don’t think there is a problem with actions during trial

But they are, objectively. People aren’t scanning ISOs for reads, they’re scanning them for claims. That is equally beneficially to both allignments in ToL.


You can’t use bleeding or poison during trial, it’s a fact.

I guess not making people able to use these day abilities on trial is because they are in an extreme situation and can’t think clearly. And so that the guy who got executed can’t use it. (like if you exe an assassin who didnt bleed yet)
Do you know any Butler who got voted up by King who would not immediately hit poison button on trial? :wink: