Town of Salem has ISO Now

Claims are relatively easy to log and you just skim a whole day for that at nighttime. You don’t need to ISO a person specifically, because that also gives you all days before the last day, which you would have seen already.

They are not for reads, they are for finding logs and quickly finding discrepancies in that I’d think. That’s far less valuable for scum in my opinion.

I could play devil’s advocate here and say that reducing daytime is townsided, because scum has more time to play a nefarious agenda and pull a mislynch or rolefish…

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Lol Orange, you had your alt like your own OP.


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I literally only meant to do the other way around lmao

ah yes but what about all the time now being wasted by ISOs because they are now just possible enough that people will want to do them even when it’s a bad idea

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I feel like you’re reaching here, so I’m just going to tap out. :man_shrugging:

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i’m not reaching
read my ISO, i’ve brought this up before

I mean sure

But so are the counterpoints you’re devil’s advocating for

Priestess, if you’re proposing ‘add an Iso feature, but make the day 5 seconds shorter’ as a potential compromise, I think I’d also be fine with that. I’m glad everyone in this conversation is willing to find common ground!

I’m honestly meh on that unless that time is stolen from the post-trial part of the day

That was exactly why I conveyed them like that. :thinking:

That being said I think literally nobody supporting ISO has argued against making other changes for ISOs to not do anything balance-wise

It’s just that we’re all quite confident that straight adding them will lead to basically no shift in power

And if we’re all wrong and it somehow does then daytime cuts are easy and can be easily done after it’s had a few weeks to settle

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I don’t mean that
I’m saying that there’s little reason it should be like that

Yea. I think this makes the suggestion somewhat balance neutral. (doesn’t change tho that I’m not liking it for the other reasons, but it’s a bit better now and I’d more go for a minus 10 seconds, but that’s details)


I’d rather not cut post-trial talk or actions, I think post trial is quite popular

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Slightly cutting post-trial time in particular is actually a really interesting balance change because of the Silence meme

Stopping people from using day abilities after-trial with Silence
rn its only working if you time it perfectly
But cutting it down a little bit would make it possible.
this sounds interesting.
Or… make the last TEN seconds not able to use day abilities instead of 5, that would have the same effect

I actually suggested this rn in the feedback channel.
I’m not sure if I find it a good idea, but its a rather interesting one indeed!

Reactive jailing is meeeeehhhhhhh