Town of Salem has ISO Now

bigger problem for me is reactive king poison

It makes the difference between having a butler and not having a butler when ek tries to make a play vastly different
aka swing


Yep. That’s intended.
EK job is to mislynch people.
Butler’s job is to kill EK for mislynching people.

The swing is definitely not intended

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EK can or cannot happen.
Butler can or cannot happen.
It is obviously intended.
If you don’t want swing, introduce a role list to tol.
Swing is a feature of ToL. It’s not bad, it’s intended.

It’s not that swing is intended. But that swing is a byproduct of the games randomness, and that randomness is required for the game to function.

If in theory we could have 0 swing without impacting the rest of the games systems then it would be a straight improvement. However such a method has yet to be proposed.

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In the meantime, we try to reduce swing as much as is practical. Which means things like making sure only 1 NK can spawn, guaranteeing a healer and a sheriff/paladin, limiting when BD Killing abilities can be used ect ect ect.


I think it’s the other way around.
If we could remove guaranteed healer and guaranteed sheriff/paladin without damaging the game too hard, I think we should do it. Since the whole “he’s the only sheriff claim, so he’s (starting) BD” is kinda lame.

I don’t think we disagree it would be better if we could

But we can’t because it’s swingy

As you yourself acknowledge

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Swing is NOT damaging the game.
But yea go ahead.

Then why do we consistently take steps to reduce it

Literally the entire spawning algorithm tries to manage swing

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Damaging the game would be “if removing Sheriff/Pala/Healers would change the winrates”
Since ToL is a turbo and non-ranked, swing is good for the game variety.

I think you two are using different definitions of swing

This conversation will probably be more productive if you both clarify what you mean

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Variety is good for variety

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swing is a problem because nobody likes the actual balance of the game being hugely decided by the rand beyond a 5point swing either way. variety is good, but things changing hugely based on seemingly random things is… questionable


swing and variety are seperate concepts here, by the way


Any kind of swing makes the game more interesting. As more different the games are, as better it is.

I think your “better” needs some clarification here

Especially given increasing swing just leads to a coin toss

Which I doubt you’d argue is “better”