Umineko FM: Turn of the Golden Witch - Game Over - Wolves Win

Slight ego/selfmeta moment, I apologize:

In the last game I played here (was also town, for context), I gave townpoints to Arete for pushing me right out of the gate because I didn’t think a wolf would risk me obvtowning. Pretty dumb reason to townread someone, but it existed in my brain

I felt like Light was trying to grab the same cred
Along with the fact that his take is so anti-consensus that people read it and go ‘this is stupid. it probably comes from a villager’
But his take just… doesn’t seem real
It feels incredibly performative and fake

I think the depth and wording of the read has more to say about his alignment than who he’s reading as scum


Time for the Cat to put on her Try Hard Hat! :tophat:

Let’s have some fun, shall we.

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And to Seth’s cat posting


Ini mini miney mo
I think I’ll take light to go!
Is he scum? I don’t know!
Let’s jump in his ISO!

Nice hex to you, too


what the fuck

/vote ChopChop @astand

The whole “unless I retract this statement later” just seems like you’re giving yourself an easy out. It’s like you know your push isn’t solid, so you’re trying to look like you’re pushing with minimal damage down the line

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here’s the context:

[more posts between]

ftr this ego no longer exists since i was ML’d
holy shit i was full of myself in that game



Here’s a fresh take

Everyone doing GTH reads early on are potential scum. I do know it could be town trying to push thread from RVS, but it’s just too weird to make all these reads so early on. I’ll reread and hopefully I’ll get a better understanding of the situation.

Aren’t there better ways to like, portray your reads than posting a giant nice wall of crap?

Chloe eww stop being self conscious I’ll smack you.

@Chloe I don’t think I’ll pass Rule No.7, I’m a single brain celled organism


No, it’s just me saying I’m not going to get deathtunneled just because it would be funny headpat

You’re drunk aren’t you

Don’t worry.
I’ll stop em! :smirk_cat:

Where ye going?

Where you get that?
Is it from the same place?

Well I wouldn’t recommend only doing tone reads alone.

It looked fine to me. :kissing_cat:

I hate when people do that too!
Seems like a genuine thought for Light!

You you a member of the Non-Informed minority?

Hey! No cheating! :pouting_cat:

60% ain’t legitimately. You don’t seem super confident!

WOW! Guess I didn’t get the memo, sounding weird is scummy guys! :scream_cat:

Wow, what a tunneler you are.
If Both Appel and Chloe are scum I’ll give ya props! :facepunch: :smirk_cat:

Overall, I think Light is Lean Town.
I’m not completely confident in it as I’ve seen scum do this as well, but most of their posts felt genuine even if I disagree with some.

Why the fuck is everyone calling me drunk?

I still don’t remember any notable answers for why Gorta being wagoned is a thing.
Unless it’s something along the lines of “He’s a tree, lets pressure him”.
Anyway I think Gorta being comfortable and still making takes on people is rand V from him.

:smirk_cat: Reporting for duty!

Hot take:
everyone doing GTH reads early on are being forced to do them by other people


I gotta go clean myself now! :smiley_cat:

That’s my very first impression LOL

are you?