Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

You’ll see me meaner than ever before.

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But that’s healthy


“welcome to the salty spitoon…”

Hey hey hey, I’m not saying it’s right, or that it’s not objectively heresy.
Just that, when compared to the alternative, one bowl of heresy might start seeming preferable

Three months

Three months spent preparing for getting that part.
It doesn’t happen.

Senior + Done Several shows there beforehand + actually good

…I don’t understand

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jk, wish you got the part man!

Why do organisations not get with the times and not obligate me to send a fucking letter instead of anything digital. Like jesus man, it’s been years.

Having to pay taxes now, so that our country doesn’t sink to the ocean again


Formal is good for your health /s

Lemme vent something about gacha game in general.

It feels suck when the chance to pull a featured unit is like 0.125%, spreading across like 4%/6%/8%.

And then you feel even worse when you got pity broken by some one that you didn’t like.

And what feels even worse is that you pulled a fricking dupe out of the bloated pool of 5*/SSR pool.

Basically gambling, either for the better good, or for the hecking worse ;-;

i wanna sleep or finish my cs but idk im feeling really unmotivated rn for some reason but im not tired enough to sleep

My father is unknowingly helping me stay more time at school because I don’t want to deal with him at home lmao
No big problem he is just a typical rigorous father

Whenever I give him a second chance he manages to put me down again.

You know something is wrong with you when you have suicide tendencies every now and then.

Not saying that I am going to do it, but those thought made up my nightmare.


Welcome to my reality.

Just without the suicide thoughts.

Gacha? Nah. I’m just too gucci without it.
My luck has gone from these games.

That’s why…
You run “pay once” type of games.

Or even better, fucking Osu.
In that same post, Hi @eevee.


I’m done with the floor plans for Investigations but damn it looks ugly af me dyings.

And it came again hitting me like a truckkk

Maybe resting well would make this better tbh

My school asked me to fill out a form, asking if the school prepared me enough for my job, and I was NO and kinda fuming through the whole thing, cause it really didn’t. Like ugh school sucks we all know that