Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

Theology makes me irritated because as a closeted athiest i have to sit through 40 minutes a day of shit i don’t beleive in but have to pay attention to pass.

and im never going publicly athiest because i heard the theo teacher next year(and the year after) favors the catholics students so here I am.

I mean sitting through days and days of classes taking notes on something I don’t beleive in is taxing.

And there are no ethical discussions or discussions of any non-catholic religions so it really is just a drag.

I did sit in Theology courses of other believes. It doesnt really matter if you believe in it or not. Noone gets bullied into believing something else.
It is an interesing science in my eyes.

Depends on how it is handled by the school/corp. Most of the times Theology is just “christian paint-a-sheep”.

lol I can’t learn other languages for shit

do you like history?

Freshman don’t have history besides an optional A.P. Human geo which I didn’t have space to take.

But usually I enjoy history more than most

just think about it as history, it’s how i got past it when i wasn’t religious



thank you for the example of a poly-a tail arete

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this actually made me feel slightly better

what the fuck



Are you okay?

not really

marginally better now than when I made those posts


You know you’re never alone :eyes:

Why are they forcing me to get up 7-8 AM on my vacation time
Not super early but oh God it is a crime for a teenager to sleep for long.
Like fuck off.


Imagine not already waking up before 7

I woke up at 2 PM today

But then again I go sleep at 4-5 am

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Yeah I used to wake up 6 AM to go to class
The first days on vacations I just dropped at the bed and woke up 12 PM
After some days I started walking up at 10 AM so it was just that I was badly needing decent sleep

I’m the nocturnal kind of person

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