Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

Don’t just sit around and do nothing. ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING! I’m tired of seeing people give up. I mean, I’m not trying to be rude, but I’ve seen way too many people get into this mindset and it really bothers me. Look at me, I almost missed out on my final exam for my Chem class which would have most likely failed my class, but I did something to make sure that I would take it to have a better chance at succeeding. Sure, I cried, but that’s not all I did


I can’t even get over one person.

the reason I’ve been lead here is because everything has been failed within these past 2 years.

It’s not too late to change that, bucko

What’s the worst that can happen

idk. I’ve just never felt successful in anything for around 5 years now.

Oh, I see.
It should be harsh. What makes you believe so?

And you think you’re going to be placed in Special Ed? Say that to a person that’s actually been to Special Ed because of their mental disability. Sure, you may have some issues, but from my experience, you’re not going to be in fucking Special Ed


my life for these past few years have been extremely harsh upon me and all these failures just make be believe that successes just dont seem to exist and never will in my life.

ok that was me being out of my bonkers from kirby:tm:

I used to do this shit all the time.

hell. I’ve wanted to stray away from my past self who would just complain and thatd be all I do.

yet here we are.

Honestly though I just learned to be quiet a long time ago

not very easy with ADHD but it helps in the long run to keep to yourself

9/10 teachers like quiet students

So you are less desperate and more tired?

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I got a 74 on my midterm for history and they made it a 92

well oops.

my quiet self went down the shitter last year

What I’m saying is go speak to someone like a therapist or a counselor who can give you advice which would help you now and later in life. We’re not mental health specialists, we’re only people on the internet who like to play Forum Mafia. (Hell, a lot of people treat me like a mental health specialist and sometimes it can make me a bit bitchy against cases of depression)


pretty much

that would be pretty painful

If you do your work and be quiet 9/10 teacher will like you more and help you more