Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

Just… don’t ask me to discuss about depression otherwise I’ll get extremely irritated because of my experiences with depression. My mother, my ex boyfriend, being stuck in a mental hospital due to my addiction to video games, etc

I usually just say really racist shit to scare away scammers who call my house

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That’s not how you do it


block exists for a reason

I shalln’t

You don’t need to branch out to absolutely everyone

But definitely talk to those you trust the most

If they don’t give you the time of day they weren’t worth sticking with in the first place

If they do suggest things or encourage you to speak to professionals, absolutely take the advice.


Hjasik I saw this like
But no.

but if it’s a door person I just go with whatever material I’m given

Thank you, once again, I’m sorry if I’m being rude, but it just hurts me now a days and even now I still have a bit of fury inside me

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Blue is a wise boy listen to him

I can relate there squid.

I have lots of anger inside me that hasnt been let out. I’ve been angered by my past.

Also can I just say what a great community we are to jump to the support of people with mental health issues? Not to big ourselves up for doing the right thing or anything but I know plenty of communities that’d avoid issues like this like the plague, so to see this sense of community is really refreshing.


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Just say that Zeus is one true god

Most communities would ban people for talking about this stuff tbh


I mean I am the guy who prank called a christian hotline in a peter Griffin voice at school

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Like I highly doubt any of us are psychology majors or anything like that, we’re just humans offering the advice we can, and really that’s kind of the point. Anyone can help, even just a little, if they have the compassion to do so.

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I’ll have you know I at least attempted meme college but failed, but I know someone who has a doctor degree in the study of memes

How did you find me

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the definitely not a scam