Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

That’s fair I guess, everyone likes different things. And that’s fine as long as it’s not harmful : P

(I get you on the faces thing, which is why I never post any pics of me ever (or even rarely take pics of me), even in my own phone/camera etc)

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Ooo story time


People who OMGUs as village and then claim that they’re doing it because their pusher is “trying to push a mislynch”




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Only valid time to do that is if someone claims a red check on you and even still it could be a frame

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Yeah no I haven’t

Long story short

Orange and black is my favorite color combination because it looks pretty cool

When I was making my first e-mail account I decided to make my password “orangeandblack” for that reason

Yahoo wanted a number

I chose “5” for no particular reason

Later I got a more secure password and changed “orangeandblack5” from my password to my username (I don’t use it as a password anymore, although you’re free to test that claim :stuck_out_tongue:)

And it’s stuck until today

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pfft just join a neighbourhood and claim wolf to them
nothing could possibly go wrong


why did you do that anyways wtf

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“Testing merc”

When he was already obvious Town

Tho lucio who’s a lost wolf who provides benefits to scum in his chat and disadvantages to town would be cool

You mean someone in particular?

i was testing eevee, silly
there was a flipped framer so me being framed was possible, and I was trying to crumb that I was village the whole time

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Don’t try to test fucking eevee


“nullreading eevee isn’t a read, it’s a way of life”
-Icibalus, 2k18

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I am good at reading eevee

I changed my picture when I decided to be a slightly different version of my personality :thinking:

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I change my personality depending on ppl I talk with

And then it’s been constant lol

I’m talking rapid changes

Now I’m having a massive headache on the side of my head where I’m having teeth pain -_-

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