Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

Buy a new one

Hmm yes im a tech support now how may I help you


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how to fix router

Whats wrong with router

no work

you need more lube

No work yes

So is it powered on? Cables good?

Is it one of those outlets with a reset and test button? If so press reset with it unplugged

Hard Reset most routers by leaving it off 15 mins.

Then turn it on.

I swear if it doesnt work a supernatural force is working on your router and you better go call your ISP
Any pictures of the router?


solves most problems

n o
i’m not doing the router

i didn’t say you had to do the router. there are other uses.

cover the wires in lube.

that should get the party started and then they all work.

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I somewhat love but disagree with my family, We normally argue a lot and it upsets me I tend to just stay in my room to avoid conflict ect. I dislike the way they raised me very over protective and always wanting to know what I do at every second of the day, even now and I’m 19 they don’t like me having certain friends ect, just because they don’t like them. My step-dad even makes fun of me he thinks it’s funny ect, but it makes me insecure but I don’t want to be seen as emotional to people I guess so I just deal with it. overall I’ve had a bad time with them but at the end of the day I know they do care about me even if we disagree and I wanna move the hell out because of it, I’m sick of being judged by them and want to be free I don’t want to deal with always answering to them.

Sidenote: I do understand what it’s like to have a parent who is mentally and physically abusive I had a really bad childhood with my “real” father, he would make my life really hard, I’m not going to detail what sort of things he did because it really had a traumatic impact on me and later down my life when he left (around 10-11) I would have really bad social issues which led to me being a primary target for bullying which intern caused me to be more of a shut-in and someone who finds it hard to cope talking with people, only just recently I’ve been making a effort to mature and grow up and I’m 19 now. (I still feel like I’m 14, I guess I missed out on a lot of my childhood ect.)

sorry if this is a mess I had to re-write some of it because I accidentally deleted half of it somehow.


Nono don’t worry, it was easy to read
do you have a psychologist?

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Nope, I might look into it I’m just unsure if it will help, I think I went to the school one back in secondary but I didn’t feel safe talking about my issues with things at school because I didn’t want bullies to get involved in fear it would get worse and I didn’t really like talking about my home life.

Right now it might be a good idea though, I’m doing a bit better then I used to, I’m just looking into ways I can get out of my home and be more free, currently I’m going through college so I can get a better job then working at a supermarket like I used to while in college, which I was a really low point, because I also found out someone who I was at the time dating cheated on me then things just piled up and I had to quit because I mentally couldn’t take it.

But I’ve got plans to move out with a couple of friends right now so things are looking better for the future, don’t get me wrong my parents have been good they’ve given me food water and a place to call home as-long as I either pay rent or they get benefits from me during college (as I’m a adult now, when I really don’t feel like one).

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Some colleges do have a therapist as a person u can go to, but not all. Check it out if u feel like it be good for you.