Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

Noise cancelling headphones are ones best friends.

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2018 Parties OMEGAROLL

can you, even if not legally, technically call a taxi to go home or is the place less than 10 km (if day) or 1km (if night) of your house?

and, principally
can you deny to death dancing even if it will make everyone around you mad?

  1. I don’t have a phone, and am too chronically embarrased to break the law
  2. I can deny it to death, but I have to tap my feet to the beat of a song even if I hate the song (fucking compulsions) and people keep telling me that I ‘want to’

put headphones on
play music at the highest volume possible
pretend you don’t hear anyone

  1. Don’t have headphones
  2. two music tracks playing at once is literally my idea of The Bad Place and what it’d be like

Can’t you ignore until they go off you? :frowning:

Nope. Welcome to British etiquette, in which nobody is allowed to be left alone, period.


On a brighter note, if you haven’t watched The Good Place yet, watch it. It’s the best sitcom of the last 5 years (imo at least)


I usually sit with the same group as my mother and use the cellphone as they keep talking and ignore my existence
one time in one hour they’ll mention you so you get your heap up and smile
I mean, you technically can still keep using the laptop ad infinitum soooo


Again, etiquette works differently here. It’s a culture thing but people here take “Leave me alone” as an invitation to talk to you.

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I usually go
“Let’s dance”
“Will you stay there alone?”
“Come on, just one dance”
> at this point I either go for one dance and go back to my place asap or…
“Leave me alone!”
“Oh WOW it was just one dance”

I think they only leave me alone because I’m already the computer-addicted gremlin who is also fiery and insistent so

The Good Place is basically an agressively selfish saleswoman, an adorably nerdy and indecisive moral philosopher, a gigantic snob of a philanthropist, a slave robot containing every single bit of knowledge in the universe within her brain, who is also the most powerful being in the universe, and a hopelessly inefficient but well-meaning angel fucking around in heaven trying to make the saleswoman a good person while everything goes wrong around them and it’s glorious


do you see the nerdy one, son
stick with them


oh it’s the sitcon I thought it was a metaphor for your family/the party


hjasi I can see you lurking
speak up

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i mean it actually is as well