Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

pretty sure the only person i can’t find a direct equivilant for is Tahani

Who’s Tahani?


hjasik yes.


The snobbish philanthropist who constantly name-drops celebrities on first-name terms, and while it starts out annoying as it goes along the people she starts talking about become more and more absurd, culminating in “I can’t believe I once dated a non-famous Hemsworth brother!”


hjasik you gave me the only person I somehow couldn’t have been.

a pervert?

…So uh on an unrelated note

I’m due to work on a different site of the NHS Trust I work at after the New Year

Which means I don’t get to work next to my crush

Which means I’m kind of dying inside and my productivity will likely drop by 200%

So much for keeping my apprenticeship

Like I’m hoping it’s just a temporary thing to get this certain part of our job done

But if it isn’t and I’m stuck there I’m gonna lose my fucking mind


Christmas parties always bring people I either:

  • Don’t know at all
  • Don’t care about at all

And even though my relatives live on the opposite side of the country they still find a way to come over here around the holidays.

For Christ sake the youngest there are in college already.



Thankfully nobody in my family (and extended) really cares that I do theater.

What’s with teather?

1 Like

What about it

Also also

I hate having to create a rapport with a bunch of new people after I just got comfortable working where I was working

Like the worst thing you can do to someone whose autistic tics are set off by constant change is constantly change their ENTIRE FUCKING ENVIRONMENT

The more I think about this business decision to move me to a new site, the more mad I get about it

It’s shit like this that made me apply for an office job in the first place cause I figured I’d just sit in my seat and do my work and know the people I’m working with

Not get shuffled around like a member of Theresa May’s cabinet

I mean
Why is it bad for they to care?

They’re overly patronizing.

Trying to tell someone to stop never gets the point across. I enjoy what I do because it’s not something shoved in my face by other people.


I feel you

i relate somewhat if that’s any consolation
the difference between you and I is mostly that I can cope with changes in my enviroment but cannot cope with having to change a habit or a routine.