[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

okay youā€™ve convinced me

In a world where I wouldā€™ve been paired with Centuries I have a burning question of why would he buss me for credibility for trying to push a 0-poster at the time

Honestly, I know how to play Cop 13ā€™ers extremely well.

Last time I played one I basically had the solve SoD2.

the skill really just shines through

i mean you could be correct but also lol

Do you see the conviction you wanted in me pushing Lili to my personal towncore? :joy: :joy:

Okay now letā€™s see for Ruri

Hold on for a bit, I need to be AFK

Actually gonna go to bed rn. Gā€™night.

Conroy complaining about the rand felt villagey

Shrug. P sure Iā€™ll have the exact solve by tomorrow.

Iā€™m 75% sure that itā€™s just those three, but I just need one more day.

getting Ciconia FM vibes


  1. Chloe - my second townlean after Cream in D1, and is actually the basis of my Chloe/Marl/Wazza town team
  2. Marl - I vibed with some of his posts and the others Iā€™m not sure whether heā€™s just trolling or whatever. Chloe and Alice both said heā€™s in his townmeta tho so Iā€™m trusting them on that; if heā€™s wolf then Wazza should be his scumbuddy
  3. Wazza - comes as a pair with Marl
  4. Appel - my third townlean in D1
  5. Lili - I disliked almost all the reasonings in her reads so far because theyā€™re so surface-level it hurts, but her voting for Pigeon last when it was already clear he was going to be lynched isnā€™t in her scum meta (itā€™s in her neutral meta but thereā€™s a difference in neutral and scum, and there are no neutrals in the game)


  1. Alice - My second scumlean after Centuries in D1
  2. Ruri - People were saying you were going to show how townie you are in D2 so Iā€™m just waiting for that, but ngl I donā€™t really like how you just chucked all of the players you havenā€™t played with before into your POE
  3. Vulgard - Just here and there and kinda bland; I was planning on looking at him D2 along with you


  1. Centuries - Iā€™ve been screaming how and why heā€™s scummy all this time and for anyone who hasnā€™t noticed, thatā€™s more of a them problem instead of a me problem
  2. Silviu - idk why he wasnā€™t lynched instead of Pigeon. Pigeon at the very least had 1 scumread (Alice) and 1 scumlean (Centuries). Silviu had a ?? scumlean on Centuries and nothing else. Whatā€™s he even doing?

Yes, I acknowledge that, but so? Both of you are individually scummy and your wallpost against him didnā€™t break apart the possibility of a Silviu + Centuries w/w world. (If nothing else it just reinforced it)

If you actually do some work (ie scumlean/townlean people and give good reasons why) and lynch Centuries, I might change my mind.


Okay, go with me here.

Why would he buss a 0-poster for credibility? If thereā€™s no credibility to gain imo

If Iā€™m not pleasing you then I suppose nothing will

Ever heard of the term ā€œdistancingā€ before?

I donā€™t even have that many posts bruh, it wonā€™t even take 1 minute to ISO me and look for it. Here and here
