[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

Is this for his pop in?

SoC post here felt pretty solid, tbfh.

He’s kind of done nothing this match outside of answering questions whenever someone pokes or pushes him, tbfh.

Like, this form of reactivity’s just bleh. There’s no drive to gamesolve and it just feels like he’s trying to avoid getting yeeted.

That and the fact that he’s still done nothing of value since he voted Alice

The longer he goes without providing content that isn’t the bare minimum and/or defending himself, the more I scumread him

also maybe it’s just me
but “busy work” sounds weird

like being called someone who’s just doing “busy work” is usually a bad thing- i.e. feels like you’re just posting for the sake of something or whatever

and iirc
people usually think that’s scummy?

I mean I’ve been called that in the past and I didn’t like it so like

I think it’s weird Alice is describing herself as doing “busy work” like she knows that she’s not trying to solve and is just doing busy work to look like she is

tl;dr that I just thought of: it feels like a mindset slip

/vote Chloe @EliThePsycho @Arctic

Normalise putting vote reasons in your vote post
this isn’t the reason for voting her btw, I just don’t like her ISO, more specifically the first half when she talks about Pigeon

what’s this mean?

oh =.=
then it’s kinda sad you and Psyx didn’t see it

do you mean the one non-W/W read you had on me with Pigeon? ://

also idk how you’d get more info on me/Wazza

I was talking with Zone, not Zone’s slot

your actions still don’t make sense to me

Eh, it’s not this.

I hate how a fair chunk of the thread is wolfreading me for trying to move the gamestate forward via pushing people.

Yes, being aggressive is my town playstyle is the pressure motivates people to do things and makes them easily readable.

Which posts in particular?

SoC = Stream of Consciousness.

Basically, with flips.

I think Pidgeon’s kind of the wolfiest player rn so I wanna yeet him rn as he’s basically not producing any content and is just reacting. So meh.

Well… I have a bad track record for reading you initially during the first half of the day, but I usually do come around.

the post you’re replying to has nothing to do with this

no one has issues with you pressuring

the main issue is 1. you not pressuring and 2. your intent when trying to PL felt scummy

also I feel like you’ve actually skipped
every single point I felt was scummy about you

to go off about something I never even mentioned

like what are you even trying to defend against here

I don’t like this btw

it’s discrediting
and it wasn’t obtuse and it concerned my read

and you clearly didn’t read it if that’s your only summary

why include Cream there if you really just wanted to say LiLi/Wazza

also doesn’t anyone think it’s weird how ultra confident everyone seems to be about the “there’s gotta be one wolf in LiLi/Wazza” while also just leaving it at that

like how many people have done that so far? 3?

psyx, alice, vulgard… idk if there’s anyone else, I suppose I’ll see later

it’s actually making me doubt my own SL on Zone

but anyways it’s weird so many people have said that kind of thing

I too disagree that it’s =rand based on what I know about Vulgard, I can’t directly say I’m confident enough to read him although that’s probably because I’ve not read much and well basically not focused on it directly much at all, although I don’t like this post about wolfy posting especially considering it’s coming from Chloe, it feels more pushy than what I’m used too coming from Chloe, then again I’m probably just remembering Ciconia where she mainly focused on just pushing me while she was alive.

Also the comment about wolfy posting is wolfy posting has so many things wrong with it that it confuses my smallbrain.

A large portion of Chloe’s posts feel like they’re just pocketing Conroy, which, if it wasn’t Chloe, I could see coming from either alignment really, but that’s the thing, it is coming from Chloe.

I feel like Chloe as Town would focus more on scumreads than making it clear who her townreads are. which the former is vastly more important than the latter, I don’t think stating your Townreads at the start of the day exactly helps anyone whatsoever it’s just locking yourself to a read or convincing those that you think they’re Town so that it looks like you’re not a threat to them.

And this is one of the main things, this vote progression absolutely sucks. She went from “Alice doesn’t believe in her push on Pigeon” and voting Alice to literally siding with her and voting Pigeon as well, that feels like atrocious progression especially to do in a few seconds and especially over simply just cold feet. Just because you get cold feet on someone doesn’t mean you decide to side with them and vote the player they’re voting, especially since you made it clear based on your posts that there was little to no content that could’ve swayed your mind from a scumlean to a townlean in the matter of seconds. To add onto this, you still haven’t gave an explanation how you just completely switched your read on Alice like that.

Still focusing on posting about her townreads than trying to find her scumreads and pushing on them.

did you not read Ciconia FM after you died, Chloe?

he literally did this
he literally sheeped everyone else
he literally followed what everyone else was saying and had low confidence that the only moment he tried was a minute before EoD2 and even then that attempt condemned him.

Later is now. This is post 308 btw, I’m going to get back to the ISO but I wanted to post this for now as I need a break and I don’t want to lose this post because the forums don’t fucking save them.

To add onto this though.
Explain your read on Pigeon.
Explain why you’re so heavily focused on posting about your Townreads, making your Townreads clear doesn’t help a thing and you should know why. Why aren’t you trying to post or find scumreads whatsoever?

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right here ^
sorry I didn’t see your post, I was already making the ISO.

I was calling for PLs because Zone/Marl were frankly frustrating the hell out of me with their “LET’S TALK ABOUT YOUR N0”/“I WILL GET MYSELF LYNCHED” stuff.

Like, if a player’s going to play in an anti-town manner and probe into peoples’ n0s or intentionally getting themselves chopped then frankly I don’t really care if they’re chopped or not.

Chloe and Vulgard can back up that this attitude’s basically just my personality being pissy.

I also really really really hate this

this is such an ew read and just reads as shade to me

it’s also a feature I don’t like from this site tbh
feels like a privacy invasion and if I could do all the typing conveniently elsewhere I would just to not have these kinds of bad shady comments thrown at me but anyways back on topic

shading someone for not posting after you see them “typing” is just a very scummy thing to do

like if you wanted to type a wallpost or type as you catch up

or type a post for later

what was even the point of your post
except shade

for no good reason