[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

I’m not voting to kill yet
It’s to send a message

/Vote Silviu @EliThePsycho

easiest solve ever

If i was voting to kill there would be pings involved and the riders of rohan would show up over the hills to majority him

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why him in particular

or is this an rng vote on the no posters

Brain starting to do a bad
oh no

wire connected to paranoia vestibule

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how much ego should i use in my play this game

if i go 100% ego i’m gonna do a gamer move

newcomb has forsaken us

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i’m realizing none of you can understand what is going on in my head so this looks like absolute nonsense but bear with me

Gut says if a wolf is 0/1-posting then it’s probably Ruri/Phraze, tbfh.

At least*

Phraze not too hard to solve when they show up

i have close to like 10 games of meta with them

I’m caught up and its midnight so i’m very No Thoughts Head Empty but holy shit marl i love your sense of humor

I’m glad I can’t run out of likes

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unfortunately them having not shown up yet is probably NAI since it’s their first FOL game

Yeah, when you get a handle on their meta they’re a fairly polarized player.

P sure I can get a lock on their alignment by EoD1.

Why was I tagged? I am here to confirm/deny that Cream could be town or scum? Which post are we talking about?

Why is saying that “creating a bad atmosphere”?

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