[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Signups (FULL)

Coming here once again to point out the fact townsided setups are a good thing. Most villages are not going to perform exceptionally well and they will need townsided setups to compensate.

Unless you want wolves to win the overwhelming majority of games, run townsided setups.

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thats kinda op

canā€™t you just mass lynch in poe

yeah but sometimes there will be people who are obviously not wolves with each other so killing literally all of them in one go is probably not ideal

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Yes, you can. Assuming your POE is actually correct in the first place. The overall skill level there is lower than here, so itā€™s not as if the mafia have no chance of winning.

i didnā€™t know this was possible


I really think this game is going to turn into scumsided mountainous within 2 days because the cop will not know what to do with their role, or else a VT will fakeclaim cop and it will doom the town, but eh.

Mostly because I have no faith that people will read the tips in the thread.

yeah i havenā€™t seen a cop13 run on this site before but letā€™s just say iā€™m glad iā€™m hosting it rather than playing it

since this site is really bad with handling roles and claims, and this setup requires that stuff like that is dealt with optimally, i have a feeling itā€™s not gonna end well but weā€™ll see

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No no, what will happen instead is that 3 vanilla town will counterclaim the cop claim d1 and the real cop gets eliminated day one.


have you seen this playerlist tho
itā€™s da creme de la creme

how to play cop

  1. vote out 3 mafia
  2. do this before you vote out 4 town

bet lol

eh, Iā€™m gonna sit this one out because Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™ll be a wolf win already

uhhh sure
as long as the identity is publicly known

/informed spec

Actually, donā€™t put me in spec, never mind.

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Nah, what I think will happen is one of two things:

  • half the VTs forget to leave cop cover, and the cop gets PoEd off that by the end of night 2
  • the cop themselves forgets to leave their peeks and dies with their clears unknown

Going by that logic, you shouldnā€™t join any games :upside_down_face:


same thing lol

Or the third option

The cop is lynched D1


Cop is gonna get ccd by 3 VTs