[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

I feel like I should complete my thought then… ehm, it’s kinda just like

I feel like I’ve seen townies act like him before; locking in reads without any deep thought/not solving, just cruising

There was a large amount of pure meta/fluff if you ask me, but at the same time, I feel like I can kinda understand it… like I do that too sometimes.

Nothing there screamed scummy to me and he’s actually been quite agreeable when we interacted so far

Him talking to so many players casually outside of his 5 fixed (?) reads doesn’t feel like anti-spew or anything either, just… normal comfy talking

Plus no one answered my doubts from earlier and I feel like you guys are really certain on something when I don’t see it at all.

The fact that he has 5 votes as top wagon while everyone else has 2-people wagons or 1-person wagons is strange to me and imo it indicates towniness bc it feels like EOD would be less… still, if he were mafia.

If he’s actually mafia this is all gonna slap me in the face and I know I’m not properly world-solving or whatever since I’m not thinking about the big implications of “if pigeon’s town, who’s mafia” or stuff like that and that I shouldn’t even be opposed since I do think his flip would provide info no matter what it is

But I’m not really feeling it from his ISO.

…You know what I mean?

mhm yes that
do you think it’s just completely irrelevant or?

30 minutes remain

can you list what that something else is for everyone?

Is this because you think your posts will clear you & you just haven’t had enough time to post today or…?

I think I should add

I would go with the lynch because of this, especially because I don’t actually have a better lynch candidate in mind

And my doubts will all be resolved if he flips anyways in just half an hour

But for peace of mind right now, I feel super antsy and uncomfortable

so yeah that’s it

20 minutes remain.

Vul’s my n0.
Marl’s kinda obvtown for anyone who’s played with him enough.
I feel like how Chloe handled Pigeon’s slot didn’t really felt like it had any agenda behind it.
Your SoC back then felt extremely villagery.
The way that Wazza has been direct and aggressive when it comes to her questioning Chloe feels like she’s uninformed.
Psyx looks to to be fairly polarized.
Centuries had that RT, but he’s been dropping hard, tbfh.
Appel’s posts are okay. Not clearing, but better than Pigeon.

I don’t really have much on Ruri since he just started playing and Silviu’s another slot that’s ??? for me.

what does this mean?

Has very distinct meta differences.

Like from what I’ve seen her before she kind of just IIoAs and asks a lot of questions leading to nowhere while here she’s far more engaged with the content, tbfh.

what felt only “okay” to you?

you’ve played with mafia!Psyx before…?

or is that from Cream?

15 minutes remain

This exchange was my initial townping on her? It in general felt quite pure FMPoV.

And I guess it’s like
when I look at this

there’s some strong points
and some smaller, more vague/less significant points

if I were to pick out a good point of pigeon, I’d say it’s “honesty & agreeableness but also not trying to kiss-up/pocket anyone in particular”

why would that not qualify, while “that RT” and “okay” do?


Dude is prob just wolfin then

Also hello im on mobile and have to go shortly

Dropping a quick legacy here:
Marl is ~always a villager
Fairly confident Alice towntold and I think the way she’s been approaching this game has been villagery
Psyx is town

“Wow chloe these thoughts are very vague”
Eat me
ISO me for reads

I’m not certain on it at all, but I can’t think of anyone better right now. My brain is honestly fried. It might be weird of me to say it, but finding scum honestly isn’t a huge priority for D1. I know my position in the game. I know this is likely going to a long game for me if things turn out the way I think they will. D1 was mostly just to resolve me, you and Psyx. If we can all find each other as town and pretty much confirm ourselves and take each other out of POE, that is probably more useful than spending energy finding scum among a playerlist I’m not really familiar with. So yeah, maybe we’re wrong on pigeon. But it’s the best that I can do right now. You know that as town, I pretty much specialize in trying to townclear LHF, and I tried, and I’m not coming up with anything that I can say, “Yeah, pigeon is irrefutably town due to XYZ.”

You mention EOD, and I do think that it’s strange that it’s relatively quiet. And it does worry me. But part of me wonders if the scum team is just bussing at this point, since pigeon probably would be the sort of player worth bussing.

If you want a CFD to centuries, I could kind of live with that too.

TL;DR: My brain is dead.

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In general because an RT’s far harder to replicate. I mean, the way Centuries approached the RT from crumbing to the frustration over Vul blowing it up doesn’t look like it was faked.

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Oh, so like a lot of posts before didn’t leave an impression, and then you felt some purity/townpings… but then it was only occasional so they’re “okay” overall?

Just sheep alice
Don’t be dumb please
