[VFM] Cop 13er - The Muppets! [Town wins]

…why is your vote dependent on the vote of the person you’re scumreading?

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we are 10000iq wolves
sorry arete

Ash hasn’t been playing like he’s scum who thinks he’s getting lynched today

…I am tempted to vote you for that comment not going to lie

in my experience it’s >rand true

Ok, other than those 3, who would it solve? And how would it solve them for each scenario (Where they flip town/scum)

ngl, every time i’ve thought of that, I’ve just kinda pushed it away.

honestly, I would suspect a powerwolf among people like you and marshal, and/or look at the people who were most interested in setting up the dichotomy.

There is a ton of resistance to an Htm CFD

because then he could exploit the spread of the votes to lynch me
and between scumA, scumB, and me, I preffer to see scumA or scumB lynched

That probably means people don’t like the idea of Htm being lynched.

I claimed mafia once
I was neutral benign.

I haven’t looked at interactions closely enough to solve slots outside of those for from flips in those four because I don’t want to end up confbiasing myself

at this point I would basically townclear, at least temporarily, anyone who joins me on the Htm wagon should it flip scum

if it flips town I’d be doing VCA off of it but … no one else but Ari has voted it yet … so I can’t really do that now


I wonder why that is


/vote Htm
I’ll lead by example

Soldiers, I am going out from Rome. Let those who wish to continue the war against the stranger, come with me. I offer neither pay, nor quarters, nor provisions. I offer hunger, thirst, forced marches, battles, and death. Let him who loves his country follow me.

Accused Count Voters
Mercenary 4 ash4fun #1683, Htm #2149, Kyle_20#2169, JakeTheWolfie#2170
ash4fun 3 PoisonedSquid #1690, bepwei #1776, Marshal #2124
Htm 3 Ari_2412 #1969, Arete#2187, Mercenary#2214
Not Voting 1 Goalkeeperboss

Either people (Like yourself who won’t tell us what it would solve people as) don’t think it will solve much, it won’t flip scum, or both.

Maybe I do have the merc/me dichotomy a bit too deeply ingrained.

I suppose I’ll help for a while.

But if it comes to saving myself, I’ll do what I must.

/vote htm

Accused Count Voters
Mercenary 3 Htm #2149, Kyle_20#2169, JakeTheWolfie#2170
ash4fun 3 PoisonedSquid #1690, bepwei #1776, Marshal #2124
Htm 4 Ari_2412 #1969, Arete#2187, Mercenary#2214, ash4fun#2217
Not Voting 1 Goalkeeperboss

also dinner now, be back around 7 est.

EoD will come before them

EoD is at 7:41 EST

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