[VFM] Gay Mafia 3: The Game: The Movie [-666/8] ANITA BRYANT WINS

A prime example of me having really bad reads as town

It is not just a jojo thing

I literally switched my read on arctic in the span of like 3 minutes

thatā€™s not the kind of bad reads I am talking about

yes they are

I have not pushed agenda in this game

valid ig

my thought was that i wanted you to expand on what you disliked about my posting style

i feel hurt

Iā€™m talking about poor surface level reads when you are scum with little progression

Itā€™s a personal thing, I thought the same of whysper when I played my first game with them

I havenā€™t made a poor surface level read.

I am not playing as I am in jojo, and the similarities that uwu was worried about are not really ai as Iā€™ve made bad reads as town, they just werenā€™t filled with agenda

youā€™ve played with me before and never said that :frowning:

but like, i wasnā€™t sure if you meant you disliked my posts or not because

if you dislike how i talk why are you bringing it up unless you think its AI

do you think its AI?

I scumread eli and I voted him before he revealed

that is literally the only example of a scumread that I had progression with

I townread marl and was wrong too. I didnā€™t say oh marl is bad and do a 360.

I have? I feel like you have a few posts that piqued my interests as odd, but you really donā€™t have too many partnery interactions with marl.

you were wrong in an FM game, prepare to die

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gorta, your idea of ā€œpartnery interactionsā€ is just me interacting with marl


yourā€¦ lack of awareness of whats going on makes me want to call you a villager

iā€™ve resigned to losing to night if thats the world, though

and i also donā€™t think its min

:joy_cat: fuck

same here, but Iā€™m telling ya itā€™s not me

some people call me katze

others call me annoying

you can pick your poison

I seeā€¦ That explains a lot actually

Iā€™m just saying here.

Why Iā€™m town:

My ā€œsimilaritiesā€ with the jojo fm game arenā€™t even ai similarities

I donā€™t have ā€œbad progressionā€ as Iā€™ve barely had a scumread on d1. I canā€™t progress reads on people if theyā€™re dead or I havenā€™t read them in the first place

I have no reason to townread and interact with marl, not to mention I would never casually out him as suicide bomber when we are not only 2 mafia, but he is a suicide bomber and only needs to survive the day, which he did. With ease. I didnā€™t need to townread him.

People want to say I have similarities to the jojo game, but donā€™t want to explain how I ate (appealed to emotion) the fuck out of a redcheck and killed the investigative before me and still survived the rest of the day although it was another mafia member who died so I could see why that wouldnā€™t count

i wasnt really trying to hide it which is why i posted joycats so much


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this is fine i just donā€™t get why you said ā€œi donā€™t like UwUs posting styleā€ as opposed toā€¦ this

but ok
