[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

i memed in one SoD (where i was a wolf)
so following this logic, me not meming is actually town AI

You memed in 9er too


Actually nvm you didn’t

You deathtunneled everyone

how am i supposed to think that your read on me wasn’t bullshit when by following your logic it should actually lead to a townread on me

Perhaps I’ll give you Reddit towncred

Okay nvm ur locktown


interesting development

You being mean is town ai

deathtunnel me now pls

End this so I return to happy Arctic

You are a god Arctic




I was just reaction testing

You passed

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What the heck is going on…

i mean if you really want i can do this when we get some more content

i already said i think your read on me was bullshit and you got caught out
and as a wolf you really like changing your vote

so GTH i’m saying you’re mafia


arctic is def town

Valhalla deus ex joycat

Clear your omgus charged confbias arctic you literally did the same thing I did to u :sob: it’s not even 200 posts in yet

i can’t tell if this is a meme since you literally asked me to tunnel you

No I wasn’t being serious in tunneling me LOL

I should’ve clarified sorry

so you posted a bullshit read on me, 180’ed and then ask me to tunnel you, and then say i’m confbiased when i do give my read on you? lol

yeah you should have

You are continuing this

Gdi arctic