[VFM] JoaT^2 - (6/15) - šŸ˜¹ Pirates (Town) Win!

At this point I just believe everything these people say unless Iā€™m in YeetLo and need to re-eval.

I hard disagree the team is in this 4 based on how the game is going

Vul how well has this worked out for you before

Vote Count

Vote Target Voted by Votes
Elephas CallMeIo, SirDerpsAlot 2/7
Vulgard Flameo, sulit 2/7
Moleland Vulgard, Leafia, Wiisp, Elephas 4/7
Wazza Centuries 1/7

@ me for any mistakes or future votes

This is an actual question @Vulgard

Moleland Case:

I have already talked about why I disagree with molelandā€™s additude. I donā€™t think heā€™s been very nice in general but iā€™m not going to focus on that fact as of right now. What I want to focus on is his behavior with this in mind, particularly at the end of the day.

Iā€™ll out what I thought was the best way to read moleland (with flips). It all depends on convictions and actions afterwards. A player like him, as town, will think they are right, and will react to being right/wrong after learning if they were with either supreme self confidence and ego, if right, or total deflation and/or. deflecting blame, respectively. Iā€™ve dealt with this kind of thing a lot and thatā€™s how I read generally big-headded antagonistic players. For the record, Iā€™m writing this before looking at a single post of his, and this rule of thumb will be how I approach this case in general.

And reading his EoD I seeā€¦ no conviction. At all. He was around mere minutes before EoD and he didnā€™t seem to care at all about that wagons. He was on a vanity wagon for christā€™s sake, and instead of reacting at all to what happened at EoD, he instead just went ahead with his JOAT cover plan and didnā€™t react at all to wagons.

With someone who so spitefully antagonizes someone like leafia, I do not understand why he didnā€™t seem to care about the end of day wagons. Especially when he himself was one of them near the end of the day.

this is the extent of his talking about the end of the day. Itā€™s justā€¦ not there. If he townreads both wagons (and himself, obviously) why did he make no effort to change the EoD gamestate! Right now, it feels like he is a mole hiding underground, afraid of sticking his nose out there at all!

He feels super passive after the first few posts. I do not like it at all. This ISO lacks any conviction or any sort of desire to solve. It just feels like heā€™s along for the ride and after reading this I think I want to boot him off.


I would expect a player like him, if town, to have convictions behind his pushes and supreme confidence come EoD. Here, his posts feel super passive and afraid to stick his neck out there. Probably my top mafia candidate at the moment!

I was reading up on the game eodā€¦ And it finished just as I caught up

It wasnā€™t a post, but an interaction.

^ directed at ash, yet didnā€™t vote ash or Io yet

Votes ash after being pressured, when votes were at Mole (3) and Ash (5), rather than Mole (4) and Ash (3), as, according to him, he did not want it to be up to scum to choose who dies.

You even attempted to CFD onto gorta because of this interaction.

Iā€™m too exhausted to take a second look at this End-of-Day to see if I misunderstood gortaā€™s mindset, but here you go.

Still does not change any of your other posts.

Even if you were not on EoD, I still feel that your posting has been very passive and timid, which does not line up in town worlds with the personality you have set yourself to have.

I would vote you, if I did not want to hit maj, and I did not want to cast a vote before I did my other ISOs.

Now, Iā€™m off to do vulgardā€™s ISO next. Will probably take a quick break to talk this over with anyone willing because these things are taxing.

I would like your reasons behind these.

While I enjoy being in a ā€œnever yeetā€ group, Iā€™m unsure why I am there from your perspective. If you already explained, please point me to it.

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Why are you going to believe everything we say? Regardless of our alignments, even if you town read us very strongly, I would much rather we had a dialogue about reads instead of you just believing what I say! Even if you are ride-or-die on someone being town, they can still be wrong, and I would rather have you talk to me about my reads, rather than believing them immediately.

(This is kind of a social cue as well for me asking you to give some thoughts on my cases. Iā€™ve worked hard on them, am making yours soon, and value your opinion. So iā€™d appreciate if you could do that)

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I would normally talk to you about the case you just gave us, but I am short on time. I, however, do want to let you know that I agree with your assessment.
I believe that Io has more scum equity, as well as NKA for the cherry-on-top, but disregarding Io, Mole is who I would like to see lynched next in line.

I can case this player later when I have the time to do so.

Maybe I could have combined the 2 in a more compact manner, but I do think they say very specific reads.

Someone can give another time to explain their reads while also being aggressive. Not sure if the inverse is true, but I think that saying Flameo lacks aggression when questioning people to clarify things, and that flameo also is giving them time and being fair when letting them explain their posts, are 2 different, albeit similar, posts.

I often latch on to a few points and try to explain them in detail, because covering 100 posts and giving thoughts on all of them (when most are not alignment indicative), and instead prefer to explore certain things I have found to be Alignment Indicative in great detail.

I could start trying to narrow things down, but I feel like this information (even if seen as padding) is important to have out there to share my perspective, and I know that at least a few people are reading my posts, so I am probably going to continue along this path, as I feel itā€™s both better for me, and you all.

One more thing to say before I begin my Vulgard ISO (I know, Iā€™m procrastinating, itā€™s just a lot of work :smile_cat:) is that I sense there is some form of culture clash in this game. I know I, and have the sense that a few others, prefer the style of making fewer, longer posts, while others prefer to make a lot of one-liners.

Iā€™m not going to ask for everyone to make posts the size that I have, but would prefer if people tried to condense their shorther posts into one post if itā€™s not necessary to have them spread out. It makes this game a lot easier to read and digest.

2 players have almost 1/4 of the posts in the thread, and 6 players make up over 1/2 of the posts in the thread. I feel like the effort Iā€™ve put in is proportional and iā€™ve been purposefully avoiding the ISOs on these much larger posters because these ISOs are very difficult to get through.

Not looking forward to the vulgard ISO, I will be honest, but I think it is important, seeing as he is one of the bigger wagons and execution candidates. So expect that from me soon.

ok neither of those mole games helped what so ever

ā€¦I accidentally deleted what I had so far. :pouting_cat: :pouting_cat: :pouting_cat:

Luckily it was only about 1/4 or 1/3 or in but there might be a slight delay on it while I re-type that and finish the case!

I will re-eval that slot in a bit, but I donā€™t think Mole is a wolf here

Why donā€™t you case Mole yourself?

When I get a wolf read

Thatā€™s one of the reasons I think Mole is town. Scum!mole could easily bury Leafia, but Mole shifted a sr into a tr on Leafia. The only possible way Mole is a wolf off of that is if Leafia is also a wolf doing some 4d scum theatrics

Vulgard Case/ISO:

I townread vulgard for his earlier posting pretty heavily. The way he jumped out and started solving immediately gave me super good vibes in all honesty! I re-read his opener 2 posts and It gives me slightly off vibes that he self-voted and claimed wolf, even if it was a joke, wolf-claims are very much >rand wolf, as town have no reason to do it and mafia think they are cleverly WiFoMing and that wolves would never claim wolf.

Iā€™m not going to tunnel for the wolf claim, but I donā€™t feel that good about it at all. Iā€™ve given my thoughts previously about why exactly I townread his earlier posts (minus the wolfclaim, of course :joy_cat:!) , you can find that in this post

Early Case on Vulgard

Iā€™m not going to rehash that, my thoughts up until that post have stayed the same. However, there are still about 130 or so more posts to cover.

Iā€™m up to the post talking about posts being overcomplicated (which, as was pointed out, contradicted his earlier points)

My biggest issue isnā€™t that he used things like low-level and also said the game was overcomplicated, itā€™s that he didnā€™t explain why the game was overcomplicated, or how to fix it. He just said ā€œThe players are overcomplicating thingsā€ and then went on to a different point in the post after saying that.

I can honestly not say I like his posting after I made my towncase on it. There are a couple of hedges and the reads seem a lotā€¦ weaker. Iā€™m not sure why the difference, but you have earlier posts like this:


With such confidence, and then later you get posts like this:


That hedge a little and where he himself says that his reads could be wrong/arenā€™t to be trusted. He improved this later, and a good chunk of his posts still have the villagery confidence and excitement behind them, but then there are some of those which feel slightly hedgy that give me a bit of paranoia.

I like a lot of what heā€™s been doing! He has some excellent posts that not only have good thought processes, but ones I might be inclined to agree with. I think his general attitude is okay.

Iā€™m ignoring the Flameo interactions for now. This back-and-forth interaction has not given me very many things to work off of or helped me solve either of their alignments.

I like this post a lot, I read over what he was talking about to see if I agree and I do! I think itā€™s a great point and I agree wholeheartedly.

I justā€¦ Iā€™m trying to figure out if a wolf can write this post. Not only fake the solving but handle it in a way that not only feels correct but feels incredibly observational. Maybe a very skilled one, if Vulgard is known to be able to fake things like this then I might be hesitant on his slot, but posts like this are things that strike me as very villagery, and he has a lot of these posts that I donā€™t know if they are ever fakeable.

Not sure iā€™m a fan of how he handled his posts before EoD, he kind of shaded ash and left. His location is Europe, so itā€™s possible he was very tired, but I wish he were more involved in the thread at the End of the Day.

This post justā€¦ it scares me! He talks about how bad his reads are and how wolfy heā€™s been, and it feels like a wolf who is overly self-aware and critical of themselves. I do think that he genuinely thinks that he has, to some degree, been ā€œgoing under the radar this game. Her EoD isnā€™t very good, her posting has been underwhelming, and she doesnā€™t really seem to have interest in solving.ā€ But I also think this self-criticism is >rand wolf, because mafia are more likely to think their posting has been wolfy than villagers.

I donā€™t have much to say about his later posting, more of the same.

The majority of Vulgardā€™s posts are done with super well-thought-out reasons, that make a lot of sense and feels like he believes them.

My read on him is this: I really want to call him obvious villager, lock villager even if you wanted to get hyperbolic, but I feel really unwell calling him this because of some of his posts.

Iā€™m not sure if I should slot him in my top top towncore slot or not. Iā€™m really close to doing it, I think, but I want to talk about this read in detail with others before I make this call due to my paranoia.

Someone please talk to me about this read. Itā€™s my most conflicted one yet and very important to solve. As things stand, however, I donā€™t think iā€™ll ever vote him today.

how do you not have a wolf read?

Yet I donā€™t see your vote on them.