[VFM] JoaT^2 - (6/15) - 😹 Pirates (Town) Win!

You bring up some good points there. While I don’t agree with you completely, I can at least see how a v!you could come to.the conclusion that you’ve come to.

Pretty sure that we are.

although; I do appeciate the >=2 isominiwalls you’ve made.

I assure you that when I get the chance, you will be the first person to have the honor of a read from me :grin:

Do you mean to say that the reads you presented earlier were not actually reads? That’s what you seem to be implying when you say “first person to have the honour of a read from me”.

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I’ll wait till ash responds first, but that’s not how I read it all

It means that my Rolecard is Green! :smile:

How is calling someone an openwolfer when they’re just joking around townie in the slightest?

Um, those are also reads but they were based on like 3 posts each so they don’t count.

Like for me there’s snap reads and there’s ~15+ min iso reads, and they’re totally separate categories.

This game is like molasses compared to the other games I’ve been in here.

I also agree with this.
When a bad post by a villager is made, scum want to jump on that villager and vote them.
However, I feel that Flameo’s response was genuine. I think scum would have said it differently.
He might be scum but I’m not going to jump to any conclusions yet.
It’s still early day one. Still time for a bunch of content! :grin:

I will always hate people who makes posts like that, we can argue how townie or Wolfie she actually once I available to actually read this game

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and then there’s reads that just kinda evolve over the course of the game but we’re nowhere near that yet.

They* are

I keep mixing up wisp and io

uh, there’s a lot of posts… which one specifically?

Actually if Ash did make reads before that post, then it is weird

I was a bit pre-emptive with my reaction

Well I didn’t want anyone to jump to any conclusions. :kissing_closed_eyes:
If I didn’t say what I said someone might misunderstand what I’m trying to say.

I get nervous energy I guess

Sulit is probably town here

I’m not sure I like that in all honesty, it feels like you don’t actually care about those reads and made them more to look like you were making reads. What is the point of making reads if you are going to say they “don’t count” later. I understand the importance of re-evaluation but if you are going to drop everything from those earlier reads then why even make them?

But in the interest of impartiality and stopping tunnelvision, I will reserve further pushes on you until you have made those ISOs you are talking about, or it is is clear you will not.

these are the two “reads” before I said that