[VFM] JoaT^2 - (6/15) - 😹 Pirates (Town) Win!

does town gorta do more than this

@katze calling your extreme meta analysis tm

its town gorta lol

in his one scumgame ive seen he actually posted stuff and tried to solve

actually its more of a

“do you think gorta is overwhelmed town or overwhelmed scum” situation


I like hate the tone you ok me on a personal level

But it’s probably you being semi angry at me for using meta on his slot which probably comes from town you

I’m finding the Ele/Wiisp interaction to be interesting myself. Not sure what to think of it yet though. I like the two lead wagons too, as this’ll give us great wagonomics regardless of who gets yeeted.

its not that deep, it was me mimicing you previous responses to ash, but sure, lets go with that, but I do hate the read

Tired Leafia noises

Heading out now, so good night everyone.

which one

on Gorta? Meh yeah I said I would avoid using meta but it’s all I have on his dead slot

on You it’s because I thought that even before posting this you’d get angry at me for using that



his sample size is small

im not going to say his inactivity is lockscum for him because he typically is a lower poster

but townreading him for it is pretty stoopid


he’s null at worst for me

this was a good post by Vulgard, it says nothing about their alignment, but I like it, same thoughts as me is a good sign though

i don’t think thats an unreasonable stance

i wouldn’t really heavily consider yeeting them today because thats dumb

i think once gorta starts posting you can generally figure his alignment out somewhat easily anyway

Ive been sitting here trying to figure where to place Lo/Leaf/Vulgard, and I just dont feel like sorting them right now


#1 Town:

Town Lean:

Claim unlikely to come from scum (will re-evaluate later if need be)

Centuries (not really a null, more so I dont think they’ve done anything explicitly wolfly or townie)

Light Scum Lean
Elephas (decided to move them up, because I wanna let them do their thing)

Scum Leans

will explain these in more detail sometime after I wake up

Do you remember why you read them?
I do.

This is a good way of formatting reads.

Anyway, that’s all I’m adding for now, peace.

you disgust me :confused:

how i read catlover?

i agreed with some of their post

i pointed out a few oddities in their ISO

unless you’re talking about leafia

in which case i’ve already said i dont have much interest reading her atm and will probably go more in depth later in the game if necessary/possible

thank you wazza very cool