[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

Accused Voters Votes
Geyde Vulgard 1/8
Arete Eevee 1/8
Ici Geyde, Arete, Kai, Jake, Maxwel, Sulit 6/8
Shurian Hja 1/8
Jake Icibalus 1/8
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Kai ISO to this point, ~100 posts

i believe i’ve compiled enough content for today.

Ici flipping scum here would be a good look for Geyde as I don’t think he starts a bus on a L3 scumbuddy D2, if the team is 3 L3s I’d expect them not to bus D1 at all and if it’s fewer then I’d expect any scum to bus the one who isn’t L3.

It would be kind of a worse look for Alice as she talks in her catch-up post about how much she wants to lynch him but then doesn’t put him on any of her likely scumteams, and he’s been lowkey trying to push her into the towncore.

Not actually sure what it says about Jake as I could see Ici going for a self-pres bus there. Would probably want to reevaluate how he came to his conclusions on Jake to try to figure that one out. Would probably go Magnus before Jake (not saying I’d immediately go Magnus, to be clear, but assuming we end up going that direction at some point) as Ici chose Jake as his self-pres push rather than Magnus when both are pretty LHFy.

The other voices either way are mostly towncore and I don’t think I’ve miscleared anyone this game.

If Ici flips town Geyde is going to be very strongly still in the PoE for Burden of Proficiency reasons. Would want to re-read the thread in either case but in the case where Ici flips town I’d be looking to figure out who’s been sitting on the sidelines, especially in Ici v. Vul but potentially in Jake v. Ici as well.

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He was trying to pocket me when I was the biggest talker

Not swapping vote here

In the case where he flips town, presumably he wouldn’t have been pocketing you. :thinking:

I’ll wait until PC to eval

What’s an L3?

Level 3

What does that mean?


Basically level 3 is the highest of three “levels” that some people use to rank people

All ISO’s I have compiled thus far:
Geyde ISO in this game: https://forum.imperium42.com/t/vfm-mountainous-arson-15-15-day-1-a-fiery-entrance/78852/1802
Maximus ISO in this game: https://forum.imperium42.com/t/vfm-mountainous-arson-15-15-day-1-a-fiery-entrance/78852/2152
Maximus ISO from his most recent scum game: https://forum.imperium42.com/t/vfm-mountainous-arson-15-15-day-1-a-fiery-entrance/78852/2157
Monokumalice ISO from her most recent scum game: In two parts, https://forum.imperium42.com/t/vfm-mountainous-arson-15-15-day-1-a-fiery-entrance/78852/2208 and https://forum.imperium42.com/t/vfm-mountainous-arson-15-15-day-1-a-fiery-entrance/78852/2209, as well as relevant chats: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/x64e6y9e17r9f2j/AABK5Nb29-DUMys1HzRL2qSpa?dl=0
Monokumalice ISO from this game: https://forum.imperium42.com/t/vfm-mountainous-arson-15-15-day-1-a-fiery-entrance/78852/2232
Kai ISO in this game: https://forum.imperium42.com/t/vfm-mountainous-arson-15-15-day-1-a-fiery-entrance/78852/2563


do i seem level 2? or still just 1

Got any new impressions from all the time you were out of the thread?

Shuri is weird, ergo null
All my other thoughts have been posted in thread

None have changed? ok

Im exhausted and am going to sleep soon. I trust you guys to hammer within the next 3 1/2 hours; please do so.

/vote ici
No choice

Last 400 posts haven’t really changed my mind on anything