[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

“pro town” is very vague term

By the same logic, now that I know you will scumread me for using meta, it is scummy to scumread me for that as I will do it knowing you will scumread me

I know, but I’m generalizing here because I think it’s best explained in simple terms. You don’t want to blatantly play against town in most instances (claiming scum, harddefending completely spewed scum, etc.). And getting yourself lynched on purpose is inherently anti-town.


Everything I’ve just said doesn’t matter if you don’t care about winning whatsoever. But keep one thing in mind. Even if you don’t care, other people on your team might. Don’t hurt their chances of winning on purpose. That’s just a dick move.

I feel like that part of mafia isn’t understood sometimes. If you screw around because you don’t give a damn, you’re screwing your team over as well. And like I’ve been saying, sometimes it’s alright to screw around and all. But deliberately playing against your wincon in spite of people asking you to stop is not alright. Ironically, it’s better if you don’t play at all in that case.

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I’ll illustrate some general examples.

  • Outing your whole team when you’re mafia.
  • Outing a partner if you’re mafia, without planning it beforehand.
  • Trying to get yourself lynched as town.
  • Claiming scum as town and continuing to uphold that claim.
  • Tunneling confirmed town for the sake of tunneling (not because you scumread them or have an actual reason for doing this, like fishing for reactions/leveling if you’re mafia).
  • Spamming the thread for no reason at all other than feeling like it.
  • Breaking rules on purpose.
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Idea: An SFoL where players can break all rules (aside from global rules)
How would it turn out?

Boring. No one would try so what’s the point

I planned on making something like that

Just because people don’t try would not mean that people wouldn’t try to be free and angleshoot their hearts out.

Angleshooting is not fun, and I wouldnt join. :man_shrugging:


It would also be educational, saying what rules players tend to break.

I had another way to solve Angleshooting

How is that?

Cant say now because I might want to actually make that setup later


I’m afraid your mindset is erroneous if you think removing rules is the way to go.

There is nothing to be gained from a game with no rules. People would just angleshoot their way into winning the game d1.

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Well its prob in the rules of the setup so I dont see a reason not too unless it’s a hidden mechanic. But u do u. If the whole setup is just I can angleshoot, I’m not sure how interested I would be

Basically, if you just want to mess around, Jake, you might be better off playing a forum game that doesn’t hurt entire teams when you do that.

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With no rules I would post while dead spamming the bee movie


I have a brilliant idea