[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins


Give me your opinions

My gut is screaming at 1 person right now, maybe when everyone has posted first?

Not exactly caught up rn as just got off army camp for examination

Whos thst person

Can you read thread And comment your opinions reactions to posts as you read

Inb4 it’s a 0 poster.


Laughs in nah

But Why

That particular read is shrouded by an impenetratable aura called “meta” and even when my gut screams scum im like
Yea thats probbly town


I still want to hear it

It’s obvious enough already tho
Did I not mention gutread?

can you just say it

No u

If it’s what I think it is, I’m severely disappointed in you, Shurian. :< I would have expected much better.

What do you think it is

No context.

It could be my 3 colour pencil sharpeners happening again
Who knows?

If you post that emoji again I will remove you from towncore

What makes me scum to you

No nuu do this

Also stop fluff posting
I’ll come out with my stuff when there are more people