[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

also arete stop lurking and get back here

could you like try to talk about the rest of the players

This is good but you’re as narrowminded as eevee

Rolls in and out of the thread

/vote Marshal

I don’t think Vul is scum
I just like the thought process

yeah sorry, i’ve been sorta in deathtunnel mode as this is a confident read of mine.

I won’t make a readlist but will do some ISO’s of some less-focused players.



boom bye scum


Fucking nerd.

Please say “I am not pocketed by vul” and then
“If i am vul’s scumpartner, marshal is sexy and get’s my pelts”

adding that 2nd part because of sfol00 jake.

stop obsessing over this and go do something that’s actually productive

im busy trying to get nerds to stop voting me and show why a different nerd is scum.

Well you’re not helping your case at all

Nope. Not posting anything substantive until I’m done eating dinner.

@JakeTheWolfie come back

he gone

yeah okay i’ll go back to my corner >:(

I’ll make ISO’s but also please chill.

He’s back!