[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

/vote Italy

I approach everything as logically as possible, although it’s sometimes hard since humans don’t generally work that way. For now, I’m just taking my time and get used to people’s behavior


Jake the Wolf Intensifies

well i was expecting a “no” but OK

im probably gonna be wallposting this game and actually laying out concrete reasons for reads, because doing that last game was the 1 thing that almost brought me out of tunnel-ville, and being selfishly confined won’t help town or myself

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yeah same

/vote italy

First post was sarcasm.
Second post - If his meta changes, there is a fucking reason for it.
Third post - Now I force him to respond to my assertation
Fourth post - I didn’t really think when I posted this tbh. What makes you think its OMGUS though?
Fifth post - Sorry :frowning: . I didn’t want to be shaded while I hit Marshal.

fucking like counter

LIKE :heart_decoration:

How experienced are you in Forum Mafia? This is my 3rd game so far. If you’re new, it will take some getting used to.

i would prefer if you
you know
told me why

how much fm/social deduction game expereince do you have?

dat explained it actually

or at least my reason

Well it was a mix of sarcasm and a change of meta tbh

because you claimed scum


I play lots of social deduction games, but this is my first time here ^^

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which is a >rand scum thing to do (stares at Jake) and we’re basically still in RVS at this point

i’m exceedingly disappointed in both of you
my day is now ruined

as throne-of-lies and town-of-salem type games, or forum mafia games

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Do i look like my username is “JakeTheWolfie”

I dont think its omgus, dont really think Marshal said he sr you. Or i missed it. But I didnt really understand the second bit of the reaction test hence why it made no sense to me