Virtuous Setup Balance Talk

I think it mainly had to do with insane swing from not rolling any conversion protection and having duke converted.
Permanent Scheme is kinda antithetical with the point of the game since the point is that everyone can be converted

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Basically it could be more reasonable if CK’s second night ability was a convert blocking guard (wouldn’t protect from night kills).
Doesn’t last forever and doesn’t lead to ‘well we’re fucked’ situations if the PS wiffs

Alternatively, give Marshal limited conversion block (possibly like Paladin’s cleanse)

I think Marshal should definitely be able to see conversion. And the supercop should probably be able to find Arbiter/Visionary, which is more controversial.

That works too. Preventing all visits to you really is strong as hell.

the main reason this is the case is that there is no counter period to this in this setup i think

It kinda isn’t that strong given their kit really clashing with it

do you approve with what I’ve done with your hand of byzantium?

Sure. I don’t mind.

Nah, I’m back.


will you ever play more games on MU
i probs would consider playing more stuff there but only if it was stuff you were in

Eh, maybe.

That’s kinda cute.

Yeah, “kit clashing with it.” Which is why I’d probably go with your suggestion. Replace Mist Form with a 2-Shot ability that says “Tonight, your Vampiric Bite will heal you if successful.”

I’m trying to think of something in the last game that posed a problem setup-wise.

I think the cooldown on Haemophilia is fine. I don’t know why only one bleed is allowed. If you are using a bleed, you can’t use Haemophilia, meaning you have to alternate. I don’t think it’d be a bad thing to add another bleed.

It also allows you to claim Poacher more easily, like EVO tried to do.

This effect is super strong. I don’t think removing the cooldown from Haemophilia is a good thing.

Somebody suggested removing Haemophilia’s cooldown and I would strongly advise against it. Imagine a Demon with no cooldown on that thing. They can just attack random people and almost always succeed. If you want to buff it so desperately, make the Haemophilia attack unhealable on the main target. I think that’d be reasonable. Allows you to kill self-healing classes every other night as long as you have uses.

Good idea

2 bleeds + unhealable on the main target. Right now, it’s kinda weird that a night immune class can die to it, but a self-healing class can’t.

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Also gives some advantage to the Demon. Demon should have an advantage over other Neutral Killers in some area. It’s a rather inflexible class, and making it more flexible would kinda defeat the spirit of the class. My suggestions are more in line with “hard-to-stop KP.” The new form of Haemophilia, alongside two bleeds, should help push that angle.

I’m also considering another night ability. Maybe a PGO that hits all visitors? Could be some good defense against investigatives.

Hellscape (Night) – Place fire traps all over your lair. All players who visit you tonight will be killed by engulfing flames. (3 uses)

Could be something as simple as that. Three uses because you typically want to be attacking other people instead of staying home, but could be super useful if you anticipate an investigation headed your way.

I know, Demon almost won and I’m buffing it, but the truth is that the Demon killed only one player in that game by nightkill, and another one via bleed. Over 4 cycles, that doesn’t seem like much.

The PGO might be too much, honestly. I’m just throwing out suggestions.