Watch Your Mouth! Planters Win!

Hit or miss

ok my toolkit is goo

the fuck is this shit

A boat

one of these two is scum.

@Wazza thouts?

clarify the /votes

explain why

Tihs si Emjoi Mtns

explicado ur accuse

Should not expand gut
But it does

Marlux, how are you todaay ?


Slams door

Prod time!


Respond to the prods within 12 hours or get kicked!

The rest of you are safe… for now >:)

VC coming in a few minutes


for wat

Accused Voters Number
Marluxion H_Hjasik 1/7
Reaper Meteoro 1/7
MaximusPrime Insanity, Geyde, Marluxion 3/7
Lightsin MaximusPrime 1/7

Thank you Solic for showing me the way of making VCs more appealing to look at

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I’m here mum

1 Like

What in tarnation

Oh memey votes

you’ree scumm I checkedd you n0


What in Tarnation

There’s no night abils except for Planters so…

I checked you D1 as planter.

nicee reactionn testt.

how do you readd the interactionn betweenn Datbirdd and Meteoroo.
