Watch Your Mouth! Planters Win!



Refusall to takee a solidd stancee on readss

It is theirr scumtelll

In thatt casee, whatt do you thinkk aboutt Marlux followingg my pointss, withh nothingg to add

ima say tht u r bad at rea din but k (cou gh im til ted)

/vote Insanity

you sayingg my readds are shitt?

> : (

no, ju st bad lol

i donut think

what if the selected wurd is just wurd with an o

:wave: vote insanitu

If so, thenn I misunderstoodd yourr question .-.

So abou’ Light.

He justt speltt out completee wordd as if he kneww the triggerr wordd, but rightt afterr thiss…

He justt completelly changedd his speakinng styyle.

Pocketingg atteempt?

Anyyway, /unvote

/vote Light


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Oh waitt.

I thinkk I confussed Light’s namee with Geydde’s namee, great.

@Solic If you’re awake, can you do VCs please? I need to sleep and watching an almost hour long ASMR video made me even more tired. If Sol isn’t here to do VCs, then you guys can make your own, k thanks :zzz:

I’m backk itt seemss likee everyonee has adoptedd thiss way of speakingg. Smartt thinkingg

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not me bi tch

hey thatss not nicee I’m not bi or a tch

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@DatBird how do you readd Insanityy

Alsoo whatt is yourr favoritee fuckingg caprisunn flavorr

alsoo whatt do you thinkk aboutt Meteoroo’s responsee to yourr reactionn testt


on a si de no te, do es it se em li ke he is try ing to ba it me?


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