Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

say why


because my ranges being the exact same is a hilarious myth


do you have any idea what the D2 word was

actually i meant D3

but D2 too if you narrowed it down prior

haven’t looked into both, dont think it matters much at all

disagree thta it doesn’t matter

but i know you were keepin safeword lists so i figured you’d have a better idea than me


kat I don’t think you really addressed what I said about your wallpost

you asked my opinion on the wallpost and have ignored it

why did you ask in the first place (real question)

aaand also

you talked about how you were purposefully altering your tone as part of an RT, but never gave conclusions for said RT. Can you do that?

I did safeword list because I thought we could bomb-dodge

what the word was doesn’t matter

I literally said that I think analysing the word is very useless discussion and very easy for wolves

First things first



Second things second
With Kat and Vul replacing in, I’ve started to notice that I’m focusing on the wrong things too much when reading a person. Such as progression and the way they handle things, rather than “I can get behind this thought process so this must be town ayaya”
I really need to up my game if I want to improve as a player

oh yeah i was gonna address your response in the readlist wallpost which is now just gonna be a readlist with no explanations because lazy and 4am

your response makes sense

your response has a valid point that i used more words than necessary

you didnt actually respond to the subjective part of the post at all though?


i wanted people to read my slot on my content

you did that

i thought your response was kinda shit

that was the conclusion

…kind of don’t see it?

i think they’ve been not wolfy

they haven’t made me think the 7 magic words though

(for vulgard this is villagery, but i also have enough respect for his level of play to not locktown him for it)

it’s hard to say objectively and subjectively what I think because I think it’s… neither? What i said was not objectively true, It was warped by my percpetion, but was not entirely subjective because it was partially based in fact

so I didn’t follow your subjective/objective thing and instead gave thoughts because it was dumb to constrain myself with

what about it was bad

you can’t alter the way you play, get called out on it, say it was an RT, and then just say “your response was shit”

I want to know what you thought you were going to accomplish with the RT and why my response is shit

I know i’m grilling you fairly hard but this should all be easy (even if time consuming) to answer if ur town

I apologize to Vul, but… I don’t. I will continue to clear Vul based on this until I am proven wrong. It worked in Wild West, and it will hopefully work here.

i just did

and last time someone did that it was a wolf copout and they got yeeted

why shouldn’t. that happen to u

in all seriousness:

i wanted people to read my posts

and i wanted to see how people read me

i wanted to see if the read felt genuine

basically the same thing i did in the MU mentor game to catch bun super early, because talking to newcomb in that game gave me new ideas on how to scumhunt and trying them on people i knew felt very gamer

…we’ve been over this, marshal

vulgard was significantly more villagery in wild west than he’s been in this game

he isn’t actively being wolfy but meh

think you’re too quick to the locktown trigger which is :eyes:

you talked about why you thought it was wrong / bad

never genuine

why was my read disingenuous?

it doesn’t feel like you’re actually trying to solve my slot in that post

you compare my play to a past game of yours while afterwards tainting the comparison with the disclaimer at the end that you don’t think the comparison matters