Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

Yes since I got my slot reserved by Dat so it was a joke he put in there.


Haha yeah, I was surprised it was still there in the real game thread and not just in the signups. I copied the list from here and was like ā€œhuh?ā€ but then realized it was you and replaced the name. :grinning:

It was aimed at Mole, I was just putting pressure on you since youā€™ve done nothing.

Basically rewrote this because the bomb apparently got triggered, zzz
Also this is going too slowly so the last 150~ posts Iā€™ll read later


Alice starts the game byā€¦ using LAMIST. I donā€™t remember them doing that in Wild West, but then again, they were on an alt so itā€™s excusable.

Chiliā€™s wallposts are not something I enjoyed as thatā€™s basically begging to get blown up. They didnā€™t, though, so thatā€™s something. They were apparently having fun and I respect that.

Why is being carefree town-indicating? W team knows what the word is, so why canā€™t Chili be a wolf whoā€™s going on about everything and anything, knowing theyā€™ll be safe? I donā€™t believe Chiliā€™s rambling is scummy, but Aliceā€™s conclusion is. I donā€™t understand it.

Baguette man. I love this


W h y ?
Can you explain yourselves people

Donā€™t believe this is AI but I just genuinely love this :^)

I originally thought this couldā€™ve been a bait to get someone to say villager, but that didnā€™t end up being the trigger word after all. Iā€™ll still be keeping a close eye on this slot.

Early read, this thought process+tone feels like V!PKR.

ā€¦Wait. If you were listing the words, how didnā€™t you see Marshalā€™s super-long wordbank post?

I like Janeā€™s attitude here. Not caring too much about the bomb, yet not wasting chances by fluffposting either like a certain spicy birb.

Gorta - in FoL 29 I really thought they were GK for some time and couldnā€™t read him properly in Wild West either.
Mole - They always seem towny to me, even when theyā€™re not.

On another note, I like that Derps is being pro-town here.

Iā€™m not going to write one sentence per 3 minutes, thatā€™d be hell. Sorry, cowboy man.

Judging by how related to the game the words are, probably wolf/mislynch

Had mislynch been used before this? If not, @Marshal : why did you jump to specifically wolf?

Oh wait. Really?
I actually didnā€™t know this
Time to rewrite my whole post lmao


A read based on Among Us. I honestly didnā€™t even think of applying that. Chili come play with me sometime~

Mm, I donā€™t like these reads. Can you give me examples of what you mean by ā€˜frozenā€™? Also the Derps read is pure hedge with no conclusion.

This read I do like, because I think the same.

From what I read, I havenā€™t liked her posts. The fact that youā€™re so willing to put her into towncore with no previous explanation as to why sheā€™s so towny is meh. I want you to elaborate on this read.

Overall, this readlist does give me alright-vibes because there are people I find towny there (such as Jane) but there are some contradictions. Why do you respect Derpā€™s wolfgame, yet not Aliceā€™s when theyā€™re both supposedly very good?
Marshal may go to the nullzone until he explains.

Why is her using LAMIST >V

This is bleh.

Can you elaborate on the townleans?

ā€¦Saying this right after putting him as a townlean is weird. Am I to assume you think this is >V? The wording here is really bleh


@Marshal @Alice there are questions for you in that catch up -post by the way.

Oh and I can actually do a super cool intro now that the bomb is off:

This is the epic start of the best citrus fruit, town leader Appel! I shall carry you all to victory and punish the wolves by throwing oranges at them. Expect lots of questions and awesome reads. If I have a gutread, please donā€™t ignore it just because I canā€™t put it to words (even though Iā€™ll try my best to do that)

ā€œThe brain uses a combination of logic and emotion when making decisions of any kind. That specific emotion, innate to us as humans, is intuition. We possess the capacity to feel, and thereby the ability to know things without consciously reasoning. The ā€œgut feelingā€ is real, and we use it all the time.ā€
-Some random website

Your post with all those questions bumped you up into town core for me

In particular, I think it is excellent to question the mutual town-coring between Marshal and Alice

Hmm. I can make questions as a wolf too, but thank you.

Yup, I noticed this. Marshalā€™s behavior itself doesnā€™t strike as scummy to me, though some of his reads do. Aliceā€™s reads donā€™t seem scummy, but her behavior does. Itā€™s funny :^) I want to wait for them to answer my questions before making a readlist or anything though

True, but I actually mean these particular questions are penetrating. Not fluff questions to appear like doing something.

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Yes, I currently still have Marshal and Alice as probably town, but I donā€™t want to be complacent about that. Thereā€™s still the chance for a deep wolf.

Hunting for deepwolves early = Bad

I ISOd you since you were here, and so far thereā€™s nothing that has pinged me. I do have some questions, though.

What about it confuses you?

I saw you answered to Squid as to why you townlean him, and thatā€™s fair enough. If youā€™re not aware of his playstyle as a wolf, Iā€™d advice you to read through SFoL 61, was it? I need to check if my memory is right.

I agree with this

Iā€™m pretty sure Derps is generally viewed as a LHF, but ā€“ and this is for everyone ā€“ letā€™s not defend people purely because of that. It happens nearly every game, where a scum gets off the hook despite doing nothing, while town and scum alike defend them because ā€œtheyā€™re LHFā€

Poor Derps

Agreed. I wouldnā€™t advocate for actually hunting for them at this point. Just keeping aware and not letting ourselves get complacent.

Well, this does looks like a town orange to me.

Yes, probably mostly that I havenā€™t seen him as wolf, though his town behavior comes off as wolfish due to not really helping and sometimes actually hindering like in FoL 30 that just ended. I checked SFoL 61 (I guess 61.5) and it appears heā€™s town there. Iā€™ll search other games heā€™s been in.

SDA just pull off FPS both as a town and as scum.

Well, technically not ā€œFPSā€, but rather nonoptimal or strange play.

But yeah, I still think he is town here based on his tone and what not.

I just checked and it was SFol 61. SFoL 61.5 was due to a rerand and he was town there, but Derps got cuddled D2/D3 in SFoL 61 iirc.


Oh, I see that he was a neutral Guardian. The red color was hard to distinguish between the Cult red and the neutral red.

I mean in 61.5. Iā€™m going to check 61 now.