Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

Whysper u did amazing, no worries

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Oh God, I’m not sure how I feel about the 2 quotes of mine that were nominated. Though I still stand behind much of the sentiments, I’m feeling a bit ashamed with my wording. Haha. :slight_smile:

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oh god that was so sweet i will cry don’t test me
also don’t be ashamed of your wording there i may have been the one rapping the whole time but you were spitting the real fire


this is honestly the main takeaway @whysper

even when i voted you i still thought you were somewhat towny

you were under the hotspot literally all game and you knew it was wrong but instead of getting mad or giving up you kept fighting, a lot of players struggle with that and i personally know i can shut down a bit

i think if we slept we might have gotten there in F3

i have a lot of respect for how much you tried and im sorry you still lost :upside_down_face:


Paper plate time

Congrats @Whysper for being voted best town team player

Also congrats to @Appelsiini for best scum team player

You two did great!


Oh, thank you so much for the team player award. :slight_smile: I am so grateful to those who voted for me. I appreciate the recognition of my passion (though sometimes misdirected :slight_smile:) for the game.

Congrats to the wolf team for winning! Appel did an excellent job of establishing herself as town and maintaining that position to the end. :slight_smile:

While there were a number of other wonderful players, I did want to make a shout out for the town player I ended up choosing: Katze. Both Vulgard and Katze did a great job stepping into their slots and making the end game quite interesting. Katze additionally expanded my thinking enough to wonder about Appel and Vulgard. Unfortunately I was stuck in mostly thinking he was a wolf and trying to trick me. But if things had gone into the next day, who knows, he might have convinced me further. Still, not sure that would have been enough for us to win. Anyway, nice work, Katze. :slight_smile:


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i’m going to strangle you



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i feel infinitely baited

I almost fell for it