Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

I still think his wallpost was meh and doable as either alignment.

I think the main issue with Whysper’s posts is how she’s just been non-stop trying to quash townreads and whatnot.

Wolves try to keep the PoE as wide as possible, so they hate when villagers are townread.

Literally this.

I re-read SFoL63 and she’s more decisive and direct there while here she’s less proactive and more indirect and doesn’t really have the broad of a scope.

Real. Back in 2018-2019 whenever a player would defend a flipped wolf they’d become a consensus wolfread and almost always flip W as well.

Now here you’ll have 3-4 players defend a wolf for some dumb reason and watch them all flip V.

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The pushes look pretty good FMPoV. It probably has something to do being that we used to play back in 2019 when wolves with green rolecards were the exception rather than the rule.

I still think that Fol30 and SFol63 were miles more villagery than her ISO here.

I see people making reads like this almost always on this site and it often comes from villagers.

I don’t think even someone with such a high-aggro wolf game as Luxy would try to powerwolf this hard from the get-go.

Already gave it to you. Pretty sure it’s most likely a T/T conflict due to the fact that Luxy’s still used to the old site culture were there were higher standards of villaging.

I played in 2019 and I don’t actually think the villaging was better, just that the wolfing has gotten better and we’ve began to complain more

but, like, w/e

I disagree on this, I think it’s really not that difficult and I don’t think he’d shy away from it

luxy is not most villagers, he is better

I haven’t actually read her ISO in FoL 30, I think in SFoL63 was mildly better and she’s in my PoE but I don’t have much of a read either way

w/e, luxy is kind of a weak scumlean at this point but I think you are being too forgiving

[quote=“Marshal, post:891, topic:83624”]

Bruh its a good read, as I said go read mafia academy

Its not ‘oh their reads are not completely correct’ its ‘their gameview is so different to mine I have no idea how they got it’

i’m assuming this is the read you are talking about

I think the context of me / jgoes being a TvT tunnel is important and I think that the chain ML argument is more compelling there.

I stand by that read being a very weak one even if it does turn out to be correct

Accused Voted by Votes
SirDerpsAlot Esquiddy 1/9
Trochilidae Trochilidae 1/9
Surge Surge 1/9
EliThePsycho Insanity 1/9
Whysper Luxy 1/9
Moleland Alice, Jane, SirDerpsAlot 3/9
Jane Moleland 1/9
Not voting EliThePsycho, Whysper, an_gorta_pratai, Appelsiini, PokemonKidRyan, Wazza, Marshal 7

Lemme know if I hecked it up

No thats not the one

can you quote/link it then?

I meant early 2019. The level of village play began dropping around the middle/late part of the year.

It’s less about being difficult and more about being inefficient. Starting the game guns blazing as a wolf is a high-risk strategy and it’d be far more efficient to weasel your way into the towncore as a wolf before doing anything like that. Yes, I realize Luxy is not me but I still think he’s experienced enough to realize this.

There are approximately 12 hours left in Day 1!

The day ends 2020-09-07T17:30:00Z

…why does the VC look like this when we’re 75% done with d1?

note: i will in fact be around for EoD
also i’ve seen quite a lot of focus on whysper especially here which i find odd since they’re a newer player. i can’t see why the votes would be more inactive, perhaps a wolf is being suspected and scum isn’t voting currently? though that would only be three people

Here Marshal