Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

Kat please

it’s accurate

do you want me to try to walk you through the entire day because… i can try?

no promises i’ll remember exactly where my head was at at each moment of the day because i’m forgetful and impulsive but

If you can try, that would be epic

If his slot had been him the whole time, I think I probably would consider him more likely town. He seems very open-minded about reads and trying to figure out stuff. But when I go back to when Esq was in control, I can’t help but see the signs of a wolf. Though back to Kat, I also get this vibe that it’s all trickery. That this nice, friendly talk is a way to trick me into voting for you or Vul. It’s very difficult to tell because if he is indeed wolf, he’s very patient at stringing someone along.

…In other words, the only reason you’re suspecting Kat is because of Esq?

Alright, please elaborate. How much of your Kat read is because Esq was wolfy? Are you saying that if Esq was never in the game, you wouldn’t consider the things about Kat that you do now?

Accused Voted by Votes
Whysper Vulgard 1/3
Not voting Whysper, Katze, Appelsiini 3

Day ends 2020-09-19T16:55:00Z

Prob gonna sleep. See ya soon :wave:


Well, that’s hard to say exactly, because if Kat was playing earlier, there would be different actions to look at, and those might also have been wolfish.

But in general, yes, a large part of my read for that slot is based on early actions by Esq, and her interactions with or concerning Derps.

Kat’s push on Marshal went along with my own thoughts at the time. And really others as well since Marshal even admits he was starting to act in a way that could be seen as wolfish but couldn’t help himself.

But part of my read on the Kat-Esq slot is also due to the way Kat is acting. Some of his actions could be seen as causing confusion. I think this also goes along with the Leafia NK. Though I know it is explained that Leafia could be seen as beneficial to keep around as a ML target for anyone. But the kill did happen, so the question is who might gain the most benefit from it? I think that’s still Kat for the level of confusion it added.

biblepost inside

so when i woke up and checked the thread i saw that dat had just posted actions were locked and i was like cool

then didn’t get told i was dead so i was like cool if vul is alive over appel then im 100% sleeping today because i need to satiate the paranoia and there’s no way V!Vul lives to F3

and then i saw leafia was dead

so my mind is like “what”

also i dont think anyone read this and i like the copypasta so im putting it here ayaya

iirc my brain jumped immediately to “whysper doesn’t do this kill the wolf is in appel/vul” but i wasn’t sure how to word it because i was in the “dont explode” mentality

i noted mentally that vulgard started the day, a day where the flip should have been him, off immediately with LAMIST and then proceeded to start shading slots, mostly me at this point (but eventually got to everybody that wasn’t him) with no real disregard to the bomb at all, then immediately jumps to the conclusion that it was likely a nobomb

the former of which i found super wolfy and the latter of which i also found wolfy but then realized that scum planting a bomb here would have been suboptimal anyway so the immediate conclusion is only weird at worst

i mostly posted this because i thought the above signs still pointed to vulgard having significant wolf equity

but i worded it in a way to keep it somewhat ambiguous which of you two i thought was wolfy because i think from a non-Wulgard PoV he would still be the better kill over Appel, especially because you were on my ass

i considered omitting that here as well but i’m at a point where i think me trying to obfuscate my intent to manipulate the wolfs night actions isn’t really beneficial for me anymore, and only makes my intentions even harder to follow

this is probably the point of the day my read on vul was lowest?

i remember thinking to myself that i desperately needed to talk to him as much as i could today and hope he acts villagery or, better yet, writes the magical post (spoiler: the former happened, the latter did not)

i feel like im just describing my thoughts of the day overall right now

but i was thinking about vulgard most of the day :flushed:

anyway at this point vulgard continues to shade every fucking slot, including god damn appelsiini who he was saying was lockVneverreconsider just a day before

which to me felt like “vulgard just bussed derps, did a weird kill that’d explain his survival in LyLo, and is now keeping his options open”

which again, i kept somewhat ambiguous because again, i wanted to try to influence wolf NK

but i don’t care about that anymore for Reasons™️

i wont quote every post from this area but it felt like vul was seriously considering w!appel and it felt odd

but as me and vul talked more i started to ease my paranoia on his spot specifically and kind of went into “what the fuck who is it” mode

i felt like vuls posts were somewhat agenday but like… i realized they kind of have to be? it’s mylo and as a villager he has a wolfread (and as a wolf he has an easy ML, which was the only world i was considering at SoD)

which is around here in the day

and again, the more we talked, he made some pretty villagery posts?

like this felt real as hell

this wasn’t This Post Was Written By A Villager:tm: but it… felt like a post written by a villager

because it’s not a thought you actively think about as a wolf, really? as a wolf you see katze doing katze things and you think “haha classic katze” i think, ive never been a wolf against katze

a post i don't remember ever actually seeing that i think is mildly >rand W (doubly so from his slot) but im pretending it doesn't exist because my thought process back then didn't include this from what i remember

and then i kinda thought these posts were really nonchalant

at the time i found it wolfy and upon reread i find it kinda not wolfy

although the first one maybe a bit wolfy still idk

but like

this post felt (and still does) feel like a real thought

mostly because i know exactly what he’s talking about and if he is a villager i think it perfectly does encompass how he feels (and if W then this is how he wants to appear)

and vulgard continued to trend up again because the thing he did earlier (shade everybody) he’s kinda taking back and evaluating in a realish sounding way

and my head was at this point for a while

but i wanted to ask a question that i thought would kind of spew the perspective he has because i was still trying to find a 100% villager to convince myself “we shouldn’t sleep, we should yeet today”

but in hindsight this is a flawed question because a confident villager and a wolf both would have basically the exact same answer (and he answered accordingly)

i don’t remember if i realized that or not back then but i asked another question so maybe?

…and i honestly thought i had a bazinga gottem moment here

but no, not really a gottem moment most likely

honestly still not sure how i interpret this response in terms of alignment indicativeness

i kinda didnt like the response and at this point thought they were kinda towny

i don’t actually remember why i decided to do this a third fucking time but i won’t quote all of the posts because this post is becoming a fucking book and i think i’m an hour in?

i created a case that was mostly my earlier concerns of him combined with with a few of my more recent concerns, but heavily exaggerated to because it had to sound real, right? i think i did a good job (example of me faking reads as town before)

starting from here

and ending here

i was gonna end it here because at this point i was happy enough with my read on vulgard for that period of time which is why i wanted to talk to you (appel)

but then vulgard said something that i thought was interesting so i decided


to try to read deeper into his psyche

but i kind of realized that this doesn’t work too much on vul because i only pocket arete i don’t think i’ve actually wolfed in a game with a town vulgard in which i ever consciously considered pocketing him (and i think the only W!katze V!Vulgard game i can think of is RM4 where i just powerwolfed all game)

which is why i didnt really take this questioning anywhere

but i still found these responses fairly genuine and villagery

but i still wanted to solve you more than him at this point so i again tried to get him to leave me alone

my plan here was to do a big ISO on PKR because i was really fucking dedicated to locktowning someone today

and i was like “huh pkrs iso feels kinda wolfy” and compared it to wolfgames and was like “:eyes:”

but then i foudn villagery posts and posts i didnt think were W/W so i scrapped it

which you yelled at me for but you’re a nerd

but anyway i think vulgard is very very very likely to be a villager right now


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i think i got everything in there

i dont know my brain goes numb after thinking for an hour so imma hang out with cats and come back in a bit


actually i forgot one thing

my metric of whether or not i want to sleep today is

“am i willing to win or lose on this read”

and i think im willing to lose if im wrong on vul right now

I hate that this makes sense
re you a villager

I’ll think about this later, it’s a nice day outside and I want to go before it starts getting too cold
I’ll be back (this time for real)


When I went through an ISO of Vulgard just to double check, I still came to the conclusion that his posts and actions seem very townish. And the fact that he’s flip-flopped on his read of me just adds town points. And how he handled EoD with bussing Derps instead of Kat or me. I really think he could have ended things that day with a ML and didn’t need to get towncred from bussing Derps.

I do however want to go back to this flip-flop. He laid out very good reason why a Derps/Whysper team didn’t make sense.


But this all flip-flopped after Vulgard accidentally took an interaction between Derps and Esq out of context and misinterpreted it.


As I explained in another post, Derps’ statement about sheeping was directed to Alice. Esq was just asking about the meaning of “sheep” like she had many other terms.

And now, even though Vulgard seems to accept that this was out of context, he is still stuck in thinking that none of the previous points apply anymore. And he’s mostly relying on Alice’s read, my post count, and my lack of reading skill. And anything that seems weird or doesn’t fit is explained as the Derps factor.

Also, apparently the fact that I’ve been consistently reading Kat as the most likely wolf is considered negative. It isn’t that I haven’t considered other options. Just that the other options really don’t look strong enough. From my PoV, things are much clearer since I already know I’m town. So naturally I won’t waver as much.

i was gonna skim derps iso again because i wanted to note every interaction with alive players

this is about my slot

im obviously biased but i don’t think derps would go out of his way to deny a townread on his partner

mostly because i know in this case he didn’t but i also think despite him being a notorious busser this isnt how he’d go at it like, ever

do i think this is w/w

not really


i think that last post is semi biased i dont think that’s a flat out W/V interaction

at face value it feels not w/w but it can easily just be derps giving an excuse as to why they won’t read their teammate

still think its >rand V for the slot

and i already think the slot is V

but i need to disregard my current reads if i want to look at spew :wowee:

fuck do i think derps calls out both of his teammates here though?

i don’t… think so?

especially because he kind of ignored PKR to pursue the bus instead

which i guess actually doesnt mean much because either way it’d be a bus and if my bus candidates are eli and pkr i’d prob just bus eli?

i’d also not bus on d1 but like, lolderps


time to try to quickly skim something to see if ive found a thing or not

Exhibit A
Exhibit B

kiiinda getting the same energy here?

appels post is more AI than ashs is but they both feel like kinda lacking reasons to give a TR

gonna compare to towngames before i post joycats